Being dramatic is the birthright of every teenager.

1."Ms. Mayer! Hey, is Julie home?"


2."She’s in the shower."

3. "Oh. Well, I just came by to give her some good news.

4. "What’s that?"

5. "Well, it turns out that my dad and I aren’t moving after all."

6. "What?"

7. "Yeah, he reconsidered, so I guess we’re going to keep living across the street."
是的, 他改變了主意, 所以我想我們會繼續住在街對面

reconsider: 重新考慮

8. "Okay. Wow, uh, wow. You know, uh, can you sit down? I need, uh to talk to you."
好的。喔, , 你坐下來好嗎? 我想和你談談。

9."Hey. You know that Julie is the first girl I ever gave a flower to?"
嗯...嗨你知道麼, 朱莉是第一個我送花的女生。

10. "Really."

11. "Yeah. Yeah, I really like her, Ms. Mayer."
是啊!我真的很喜歡她, 梅爾女士

12. "Zach, um, Julie is only fourteen years old, and sometimes girls, when they’re that age they just don’t always make the right decisions. And, um, as her mother, it is my responsibility to protect her."
Zach, 嗯...Julie才14歲,有時候女孩子在這個年齡不總能做出正確的決定。還有, 嗯...作為她的母親,我有責任保護她。

13. "You want to protect her from me?"

14. "No, I, I just, I think that you should slow things down. I, I, I want you to not see her for a while."
不, 我 - 我只是 --我想你應該把節奏慢下來。我 - 我想要你一段時間不要見她。

15. "No."

16. "No?"

17. "You’re not taking her away from me."

18. (chuckles): "Listen, I know being dramatic is the birthright of every teenager, but come on..."
聽我說, 我知道意氣用事是年輕人的專利, 但是冷靜點

Being dramatic:很戲劇化的,意氣用事,

Drama queen: 戲劇女王。俗稱戲精 形容一個人反應很大,有點做作

chuckles: 輕笑 dramatic: 戲劇性的 birthright: 生來就有的權利 teenager: 13歲到19歲的年輕人

19."Why are you laughing!!??"

20. "Do you think this is funny?"

21.(harshly): "Thank you, Zach. You have just made this really easy for me. You are now forbidden from seeing or talking my daughter ever again!

harshly: 刺耳的,難聽的 forbidden: 被禁止(forbid, 的過去分詞)

22.And if you come within ten feet of her, I will call the police, and I will have you arrested! Now get out!"
如果你膽敢出現在她身邊10英尺以內,我會報警, 把你抓起來。現在滾