


1. 名詞

1.1.(銀行)賬戶(an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.)

例如:budget account(預算賬戶), checking account(活期存款賬戶), current account(活期存款賬戶/往來賬戶), deposit account(定期存款賬戶)

1.2.(商業)賬目(a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it )

例如:expense account(報銷賬目/費用賬戶), profit and loss account(損益賬)

1.3.(商店)賒銷賬;賒欠賬;賒購(an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month)

如:Put it on my account please. (請記在我的賒購賬上。)

1.4.(互聯網、電子郵件等的)賬戶;賬號(an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by email, etc.)

如:Internet/email account(互聯網/電子郵件賬戶)

1.5.描述;敘述;報告(a written or spoken description of sth that has happened)

如;a full account of the incident. (關於事件的詳盡的敘述)

1.6.價值;重要性(worth, importance,value)

如:a person of considerable account(極其重要的人)

2. 與account搭配的名詞詞組與例句

2.1. by/from all accounts (據說;根據報道)
例句:I've never been there, but it's a lovely place, by all accounts. (我從未去過那裡,但據說是個美麗的地方。)

2.2. of no/little account (不重要;無足輕重)

例句:She had made me feel so utterly wrong and of no account that I needed to bolster myself. (她迫使我感到我這麼做完全錯了,毫無用處,使得我別無選擇只好硬逞能。

2.3. on sb's account (為了某人的緣故)

例句:Please don’t change your plans on my account. (請別因為我而改變你的計劃。)

2.4. on account of sb/sth (由於;因為 )

例句:She retired early on account of ill health. (她體弱多病,所以提前退休。)

2.5. on no account/not on any account (決不;絕對不)
例句:On no account should the house be left unlocked. (離開住宅時千萬要鎖門。)

2.6. on this/that account (由於這個/那個緣故)

例句:Weather conditions were poor, but he did not delay his departure on that account. (天氣不好,但他並沒有因此延期起程。)

2.7. take account of sth/take sth into account (考慮到;顧及)

例句:The company takes account of environmental issues wherever possible.


二、account動詞詞性和動詞詞組account for的意義和例句

1. 動詞

認為是,視為(to have the opinion that sb/sth is a particular thing)

例句:The opening day of the battle was, nevertheless, accounted a success. (儘管如此,開戰那天還是被認為取得了成功。)

2. 動詞詞組account for sth (解釋,說明;是…的說明或原因;(數量上、比例上)佔;(尤指在事故之後)瞭解,查明)


2.1. How do you account for the show's success? (你怎麼解釋這次演出為什麼成功?)

2.2. Many explanations have been offered to account for all the mysterious happenings during the many thousands of years. (幾千年來,對於所有神秘事件的原因都有很多種解釋。)

2.3. Remote-sensing and telecommunications satellites account for about 71% of the total number of satellites developed and launched by China. (中國研製和發射的衛星中,遙感衛星和通信衛星約佔71%。)

2.4. But it’s just a slight preference, and the effect is far too small to account for the observed imbalance between matter and antimatter. (但是這僅僅是一種輕微的傾向,以至於在現實世界難以觀測到物質和反物質的不平衡現象。)

三、含有account for的片段閱讀與翻譯

Many businesses had argued that cashless shopping helped improve safety at stores because cashiers would not have to handle cash and managers would not have to take cash deposits to a bank, risking loss or theft.

Even with the expanding use of cards and phones, cash remains king, according to Bloomberg. Paper money is used for nearly a third of U.S. purchases, with debit and credit cards accounting for 31 percent and 28 percent, respectively, the report said.

Nevertheless, buying with Visa, MasterCard or other cards hit a record $18.7 trillion in 2018, the outlet reported.

In Sweden, cashless retail is more popular. Only 1 in 4 Swedes use cash at least once a week, National Public Radio reported last year.




cash deposits:現金儲蓄

debit and credit cards:借記卡和信用卡







