

The design was inspired from the winding and glistening Saigon river running beside the site. Continuous curving lines were used on the facade of the apartment.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Hiroyuki Oki

▼弯曲的立面与蜿蜒的河水相呼应,curved facade corresponded to the river ©Hiroyuki Oki


The curves of the facade staggered on each floor, creating an open balcony for each home, from which people could enjoy the blue sky with no shelter.

▼弧形立面层层相错,the curved facade staggered on each level ©Hiroyuki Oki

▼立面细部,close view to the facade ©Hiroyuki Oki

▼开敞的阳台,balcony with open view ©Hiroyuki Oki

▼从阳台看向西贡河,view to the Saigon River from the balcony ©Hiroyuki Oki


The lower part of the building got hint from the terraced fields in Vietnam. Wooden plant boxes were placed on the facade in a rhythmical way. People could feel the lush ground from the green walls.

▼低区立面布以木质花箱,wooden plant boxes on the facade of the lower part ©Hiroyuki Oki

▼大厅,lobby ©Hiroyuki Oki

▼入口天井细部,details of the multi-level doorway ©Hiroyuki Oki

▼夜景,night view ©Hiroyuki Oki