李文亮 — 他為蒼生說過話(漢英雙語)

李文亮 — 他為蒼生說過話

Li Wenliang — He Has Spoken for the Common People.


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Before I became a fine dust, I thought quietly about the black soil and white clouds of my hometown again.


How I wanted to go back to my childhood. The wind is dancing freely, and the snow is spotless.


It's good to be alive, but I'm dead.


I can no longer touch the faces of my family, take my child to see the East Lake Spring Dawn, accompany my parents to see the cherry blossom of Wuhan University or fly kites into the depth of while clouds.


Once I dreamt vaguely of my unborn child, who,with tears in its eyes,was searching for me in the crowd.


Sorry, kid. I know you only want an ordinary father, but I have become a civilian hero.


It's almost dawn, and I'm leaving, with a written guarantee, which is the only luggage I have in my life.


I’m thankful to all the people in the world who understand, pity and love me. I know you are all waiting at dawn, waiting for me to cross the hill. However, I am too tired.


In this life, I do not want to be weightier than Mount Tai, nor am I afraid to be lighter than a feather.


My only wish is that after the melting of snow and ice,all sentient beings still love the earth and still believe in our motherland.


When spring thunder rolls, if anyone still wants to commemorate me, please set up a small tombstone for me.


It is not necessarily to be great, and it is built just to prove that I have been to this world, with a name and a surname, ignorance and fearlessness.


Then, my epitaph only needs one sentence: he has spoken for the common people.