Now we’re even.我们扯平了,谁也不欠谁

1.I am not going over there.


2.Yes, you are.


3. No. I can deal with the humiliation of going around the neighborhood returning everything the boys stole, but please don’t make me apologize to that woman.


4. This is what it means to be a good neighbor, finding ways of getting along instead of, you know, hurling an egg at them.


hurl at: 朝…用力投掷 hurl: 猛投; 猛掷

5.But why do I have to apologize?Why don’t we just go, now we’re even?And we'll start from scratch.


start from scratch: 从头做起

6.Okay if the, uh, being a pleasant human being argument does not fly with you, we will try a self preservation, what if she wakes up in the middle of the night, the house is on fire, you don’t want her to call 911?


human being 人类self preservation自我保护

7. If our house catches fire I guarantee you, she's the one that started it.

catch fire: 着火(表动作,be on fire 表状态) guarantee: 保证


8. My point is, the day will come when we need her help and I don’t want her not to help us just because of some silly feud.


feud: 不和,争执

9.Fine, I will do it.

10.Wow, thank you.


11.You know whoever came up with the motto love thy neighbor clearly lived nowhere near Karen McCluskey.

那个想出这句“爱你的邻居”这句格言的人,他肯定不是CAROLYN McCLUSKEY的邻居。

whoever: 不管是谁 come up with: 提出,想出 motto: 箴言 thy: (古语)你的=your

12.Yes, well, on Valentine’s Day the only motto that really matters is, you know, love thy husband.


13. Really, I, I recall no such motto.

真的? 我可想不起有这样的格言。