
The side hustle. To some, it’s something to do in your spare time that's more productive than binging on Netflix or Disney+.


To others, it’s the new credit card.


And for everyone else, it’s become the new normal.


After all, if you don’t have one, you’re likely funding someone else’s.


The allure of the side hustle is that it promises a life of freedom and flexibility — or control.


It goes something like this:


“You have unlimited earning potential, so if you want to go on a trip, just gig for a few hours.”


“Want that new outfit? Sell a few things.”


“Want the latest phone? Hustle for it. After all, everyone has free time that they waste, so just use that time and earn some extra cash. Be productive! You’re in control, so make it happen—rise and grind and get it done.”


Experts are calling this the gig economy and in 2019, according to a study commissioned by Upwork and Freelancers Union, 35 percent of the American workforce was a part of it — up from five years prior.

專家稱這是零工經濟,根據Upwork and Freelancers Union委託進行的一項研究,2019年,美國勞動力中有35%是其中的一部分-比五年前有所上升。

That means 57 million Americans were self-employed in a part-time or full-time capacity getting paid for their time, skills, possessions or expertise.


To give you some perspective, that’s more people than the entire populations of Canada, Liberia, Greece and Puerto Rico combined!


Related: How is Gig Economy Transforming the Workforce?


What’s so surprising about it all is just how rapidly the gig economy has grown.


I mean, can you believe that 68 percent of all gig workers surveyed joined the gig economy in the last five years? You see similar trends in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia, where the growing gig economy continues to affect normal everyday life.


Although the news is covering how the gig economy can be both positive and negative to your mental health — or how Uber and Postmates are suing the State of California to stop the new AB5 Gig-Worker law — no one is talking about the unintended consequences that this rapid shift in culture is silently ushering in.


Related: 4 Reasons Why Your Side Hustle Won't Magically Morph Into a Scaled Business


On the surface, the glitz and glamor of a side hustle lifestyle sounds great.


After all, you’re in control and are the master of your future.


But underneath the surface, it’s a different story.


The gig economy is changing the way we think about work, life, and love by feeding us a series of lies about ourselves.


Here are three of them:


You are what you do


You are what you experience


You are who you know


Although these lies seem harmless because they’re not outright harmful, evil or unjust, they are actually quite dangerous since they mingle truth and falsehood with the subtle and deliberate intent to deceive.


Here’s how:


You are what you do1.你做什麼就是什麼As children, we’re asked what we want to do when we grow up.作為孩子,我們被問到長大後想做什麼。