02.26 BEHF Architects

WEZ – Das weststeirische Einkaufszentrum购物中心建造于1970年,位于靠近格拉茨(Graz)的Bärnbach,是奥地利国内的第一代购物中心。随着时间的流逝,这座购物中心已经变得衰败和不再受欢迎,拆除成为一个值得郑重考虑的选择。尽管如此,业主仍希望对它进行更新改造,在BEHF Architects的努力下,WEZ购物中心被更新为一座拥有现代化设施、设计能够满足现代零售发展需求的新购物中心。为了平衡外观和提高可见性,建筑师设计了一个比原来更高、具有代表性的入口。当夜晚室内打开灯光时,玻璃构造的入口在室外闪耀着。新改造的立面使用黑色钢材,向Bärnbach这座城市和悠久的煤矿开采历史致敬。立面是从玻璃入口延伸出的两道柔和波浪形构造,包裹着整个建筑。

Built in the 1970s, the shopping mall WEZ – Das weststeirische Einkaufszentrum in Bärnbach near Graz is an example of the first generation of malls in Austria. Over the course of the years, the property has become dilapidated and has not been particularly inviting. Demolition has been a serious option. Nevertheless, the owners has decided to renovate it and thanks to BEHF Architects, the shopping mall WEZ has been upgraded into a modern-age facility designed to suit contemporary retail trends. In order to achieve a balanced look and increase the visibility, the architects have developed a higher, representative entrance. Made of glass, it is also visible at night when the interior is illuminated and shines towards the exterior. The new facade made of black steel pays homage to the city of Bärnbach and its long tradition of coal mining. It extends in two gentle waves from the glazed entrance over the entire surface of the building.

▼WEZ购物中心外观-黑色钢材立面和玻璃入口空间,exterior view of the WEZ shopping mall-black steel facade and glazed entrance

购物中心正前方布置了宽阔的室外停车空间,建筑师的设计策略是确保更优良的交通组织和最大化的为顾客提供便利。BEHF Architects以极大的热情对现有建筑进行了更新改造。这个项目为Bärnbach的居民提供了一个现代化的、吸引人的购物场所。

The outdoor space is generously enriched with parking spaces right in front of the mall. The design strategy ensures better traffic organsation and maximum convenience for the customers. BEHF Architects has renovated the existing property with great enthusiasm. The intervention has resulted into a modern and inviting shopping place for the residents of Bärnbach.

▼购物中心正前方的停车空间,为顾客提供便利,the parking spaces right in front of the mall ensure the convenience of the customers


▼室内入口及中庭空间,entrance and the central atrium

▼中庭空间内可以看到店铺,组织交通流线,atrium enables easy viewing of the stores and an efficient circulation

▼二层空间,the second floor

WEZ comes with a novel look and an improved functional organisation. The room layout has been rearranged in such a way that it ensures the optimal use of space and an extended rentable area. The dominant feature in the interior is a large atrium with circular roof lights which enables easy viewing of the stores and an efficient circulation. Round light funnels in the ceiling run along the entire atrium and bring daylight down to the ground. Lighting units also relate to the circle. Depending on the season and time of the day, one can easily change the atmosphere of the space playing with natural and artificial light. Uniform granite flooring and wooden panels on the ceiling play an important role in making the space warm and inviting.

▼中庭天花板的圆形照明设计,the circular roof lights of the atrium

▼圆形采光洞口引入自然光线,照明灯具与天花板圆形设计相结合,round light funnels bring daylight down to the ground and lighting units relate to the circle