02.26 冬季戀歌 – 由心咖啡touching門店,上海

時間的眼睛 | Eyes of time

雖然幾經易稿,但是中心一處一人站立的空間一直沒變。像是座紀念碑,似乎是圍繞著它,周邊一切才變得有意義。未來,在這個一平米的房間中——Moment將有第一場關於Mur Mur和由心的展。我們從Coffee,到Construction到Dancing將展開一場關於時間和個人的討論。

Despite several manuscripts, the space in the center for only one person has not changed. It looks like a monument, and it make surrounding objects become meaningful. Inside the 1 m2 room called ‘Moment’, there will be an exhibition about Mur Mur Lab and Unibrown. We will start a discussion of the relationship between coffee, construction and the flowing of the space, and it is also about connection between the ‘time’ and ‘personal identity’.

▼項目概覽,overview ©WDi


Through the folds that looks like the curtain of veil, we often watch the looming crowd, the spread of the terrace and the greenery outside the window. The noise and jolly time belong to the outside world, but the quietness and serenity belongs to inside world, like being on the mountaintop.

▼透過帷幕看到若影若現的人群,through the curtain to see the shadows of the crowd ©WDi

▼上層空間被帷幕覆蓋,the upper space is covered by a curtain ©WDi

▼空間內的臺階休息區,step rest area inside the space ©WDi

自然 | Nature


▼模仿自然地形打造的咖啡空間,coffee space modeled after natural terrain ©WDi

▼該空間以色調、材質、尺度影響人的體驗,the space affects people’s experience with color, material and scale ©WDi

▼給人舒適體驗的空間,giving comfortable experience ©WDi

This is the nature terrain inside the city. The rolling hills define different experience: either sitting or standing, grouping or being alone, where everyone can find the most comfortable posture. This is a design that is closely related to the body. With dimensions, form, color, and light as the guide, and the space affects the body’s feelings, and then affects emotional experience.

▼分析圖,analysis diagram ©Mur Mur Lab

這是Mur Mur Lab探索“走向自然敘事的空間”中一個特別的嘗試。每一處嚴謹的幾何關係背後,都有自然的聯想和參照。可能是山谷,可能是星光,可能是霧靄,我們不想將它們與形式語言一一對應(那樣只會破壞最美好的想象),但身處其中,已經不需多言。所以這也是一個與自然緊密關聯的設計,它從自然中抽象而來,又回到自然的體驗中去。

This is a special attempt that Mur Mur Lab explores the concept of ‘the space towards the nature narrative’. Behind the strict geometric relationship, there are associations with the world of nature. It may be a valley; it may be a starlight; it may be a fog. We do not want to associate them with the formal language one by one. That will only destroy the best imagination. However, when you stay in that space, it is unnecessary to use any language. That is all about the design which closely related to nature. It abstracts from the world of nature, also returns to the experience of nature.

▼通過一系列裝飾營造出的山谷、星光,through a series of decorations to create the valley, starlight ©WDi

▼金屬質感的吊燈就像滿天的繁星,the droplight with metallic sense resembles the stars all over the sky ©WDi

▼山谷、星光,the valley, starlight ©含之

▼細部,details ©含之

通感體驗 | Synaesthesia


Whale Circus created a music for the space. We planted a ginkgo tree in the “Valley”. With a cup of warm coffee in the hand, and everything becomes alive. Under the tree, I nestled in the sofa, watching the leaves constantly being blown by the air, listening to the rustling white noise and the wind bell that occasionally reminded me of. There is still a cluster of green outside the window, and the interior is already golden. The temperature and aroma of the coffee passed to hands and mouth. The senses are connected, communication is intertwined, and together they form a different world.

▼音樂、燈光、色彩共同帶來了一種通感體驗,music, lighting and color bring a synesthetic experience ©WDi

▼漫天的金色吊燈就像飛舞的銀杏葉,the golden chandelier is like ginkgo biloba ©WDi

▼帷幕下若影若現的吊燈,under the curtain if the shadow of the chandelier ©WDi

▼帷幕細部,details of the curtain ©WDi

音樂真是一件美妙的事物,讓每個日常的場景變得有儀式感。聲音從天空不遠處傳來,垂掛的小球絲線伴著夾雜而來的風鈴聲,愉悅度剛剛好。有趣、無趣不再是Mur Mur選擇項目的標準。慢慢的,我們更在意是否可以通過設計照顧到彼此間微小的感受。

Music is really a wonderful thing that brings everyday a sense of ceremony. The sound came from the sky, and the hanging small silk thread was accompanied by the wind bell ringing in, the pleasure was just right. The criteria for Mur Mur Lab select projects are not depends on if it is interesting or not. Gradually, we are more concerned about if we are able to take care the sense and feeling between human beings through our design.

▼溫馨的氛圍溢出窗外,the warm atmosphere spilled out of the window ©含之

▼從窗外看向室內,look inside from the window ©含之

▼模型,models ©Mur Mur Lab

▼平面圖,plan ©Mur Mur Lab

項目設計 & 完成年份:2019.12主創及設計團隊:夏慕蓉,李智,高含之,鄭琴,陳筠禎(實習)項目地址:上海市黃浦區湖濱路168號無限極薈大廈建築面積:60平方米攝影版權:WDi,含之客戶:UNIBROWN由心咖啡