02.29 We should set up a play date.我們應該定個時間一起玩

[Barcliff Academy巴克利夫學院]

(Five children, including Porter and Preston, dressed in colonial costume, stand on a small stage, reciting lines.五個孩子,包括波特和普雷斯頓,穿著殖民地時期服裝,站在一個小舞臺上,背臺詞)

美國最早是英屬殖民地,13個州經過獨立戰爭,成為美利堅合眾國)colonial 英屬殖民地時期的,殖民的 美國初期的)

Twin: "Listen, my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere."


(Lynette proudly smiles as she watches her sons recite. She turns to see, in the audience, a mother and young daughter signing to each other.勒納特看著兒子背臺詞,臉上流露出自豪的笑容。她轉過身,看到觀眾中有一對母女在對唱。)

Twin: "Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry (鐘塔) arch of the North church tower. One if by land, two if by sea, and I on the opposite shore will be."

把燈籠掛在北邊教堂塔樓,在那高高的燈塔拱門下,一盞表示英軍從陸地來,兩盞表示英軍從海上來,而我就在海的對面。(這是一首亨利朗費羅寫的歌頌Paul Revere的一首詩歌裡的句子(文末附詩歌前兩段)

(The parents applaud.觀眾鼓掌 Lynette smiles proudly as she applauds.勒納特邊鼓掌邊自豪地笑著)

(Lynette, pushing a stroller, approaches the little girl and woman who had been signing勒納特推起嬰兒車走近剛剛比手語的那對母女。.)

Lynette: "Um, hi. I, I wanted to introduce myself to your Mom. I'm Lynette Scavo."


Alisa Stevens: "Hi,Lynette. I'm Alisa Stevens."


Lynette: "Oh, I'm sorry! I thought..."


Alisa: "I read lips."


Lynette: "Oh."

(Alisa starts signing and her daughter begins translating for her.愛麗莎比手語,女兒在一旁翻譯)

Lily (translating): "But a lot of the time, signing is much easier. I don't like to misunderstand or be misunderstood." 大部分時間,手語


(Lily turns toward Lynette and offers her hand.莉莉轉過身面對勒納特申出手)

Lily: "And I'm Lily."我是莉莉。

Lynette: "Oh hi. Nice to meet you, Lily."見到你很高興。

(A young boy in a horse costume runs by.一個身穿騎馬服的小男孩跑過。)

Matt: "Hi, mom."媽媽

Alisa: "That's my son, Matt."那是我兒子馬特。

Lynette: "My twins talk about Matt all the time. We should set up a play date."


Alisa: "That sounds great. Let's have dinner, too."好主意,然後一起吃飯

Lynette: "I'd love to."太好了。

(Lynette turns toward her boys as she hears them yelling. They are holding Matt's horse's tail, whipping it and yelling. Matt is trying to run away.聽到孩子們在叫勒納特轉過身。雙保胎抓住馬特的馬尾巴,邊拍打邊叫。馬特使勁跑開)

Twins: "The British are coming! The British are coming. Giddy up! Giddy up! Giddy up."


Matt:"No, no, no."

(Lynette turns back toward Alisa.勒納特轉過身對著艾莉莎)

Lynette: "Even better, let's just keep it adults."



Paul Revere’s Ride 保羅雷維爾的奔騎

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) 亨利朗費羅 (1807-1882)

Listen my children and you shall hear來聽聽我的孩子們,你們應該聽聽,

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,聽聽保羅雷維爾午夜的奔騎,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;在那一七七五年的四月十八;

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year.還活著的人們,多已忘記,著名的那一年的那一天。

He said to his friend, "If the British march他對他的朋友說:“要是英國人來了,

By land or sea from the town to-night,今夜從城裡出發,走陸路或走水路,

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch請在鐘樓上高掛明燈

Of the North Church tower as a signal light,–在北教堂的塔樓作信號,

One if by land, and two if by sea;一盞是陸路,兩盞是水路;

And I on the opposite shore will be,我會在對岸上等候,

Ready to ride and spread the alarm準備好奔騎,四處發出警報,

Through every Middlesex village and farm,跑遍每一個梅都塞克思的村落和田野,

For the country folk to be up and to arm."叫鄉下的兄弟們武裝起自己。”