11.27 印度精英教育制度是最大的教育弊端,造成印度僱主迷戀精英學生

譯文來源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/48840.html譯者:Joyceliu

In his 2016 book Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built, author Duncan Clark wrote about how the founder of one of the world’s biggest e-commerce companies hires.

When building up his team Jack preferred hiring people a notch or two below the top performers in their schools. The college elite, Jack explained, would easily get frustrated when they encountered the difficulties of the real world.

Hiring strategies at Indian companies couldn’t be more different. Not only do they want to hire the top performers, they want to hire them from elite colleges such as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) or the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). A top e-commerce firm in the country is even notorious for hiring its early team from a specific hostel at IIT Delhi.

All over the world, employers like to hire people who are similar to them. In India, however, they do so without an iota of guilt or embarrassment. Most tech founders, often graduates of top schools themselves, publicly and proudly declare that hiring from an IIT is the “most natural thing” for them to do.



印度企業的招聘策略截然不同。他們不僅希望聘用頂尖人才,還希望員工都出自印度理工學院(簡稱IITs)或印度管理學院(簡稱IIMs)等精英院校。印度一家頂級電子商務公司甚至還因從印度理工學院德里分校(IIT Delhi)的一個特定宿舍樓裡僱傭早期團隊而臭名昭著。


Part of the bias comes from years of brainwashing by Indian middle-class parents, who convince their children that their success, self-worth, and marriage prospects are directly tied to the college they attend. As an extension,they tend to trust, invest in, or mentor only people like themselves.

While there is a widespread perception that institutes such as IITs and BITS Pilani celebrate meritocracy, it may not be entirely accurate. Where and to whom one is born often plays a role in deciding where one studies, especially since the route to top universities is paved with expensive cram school fees.

Given the competitive selection processes they undergo, engineers or managers from premier universities do bring a lot to the table, from academic excellence to a strong alumni network. They also typically have sharper soft skills, especially fluency in English, still critical to success in corporate India.

However, those who go to non-elite schools tend to bring to the table something else of great value: a need to prove themselves.





“Graduates from tier 2 or tier 3 schools have a hunger to over-compensate for what they perceive they lack,” says Dinesh Jain, who has been CEO of organizations such as Nissan Motor-India and Zee Turner. He now runs IndianMaze Advisory, a strategy firm, and wrote on LinkedIn recently about the benefits of hiring from smaller towns and colleges.

“They have seen their counterparts from larger cities with ‘privileges’ and they want to achieve all that and more. Therefore, they are far more driven,” he wrote.

Hiring from lesser-known colleges can benefit companies in surprising ways. Those from better schools are usually uncompromising about the types of jobs they want: well-paid, intellectually-stimulating, cutting-edge. That leaves plenty of lower-level roles available for their less academically advanced peers, who can make productive use of the opportunity. “After four to five years, the grassroots level worker has a superior understanding of the ecosystem and can make a significant contribution to the company’s overall strategy,” writes Jain.

曾擔任尼桑汽車印度公司和Zee Turner等公司首席執行官的迪內什•賈殷表示:“來自二流或三流學校的畢業生渴望彌補他們認為自己所欠缺的東西。”他現在經營著一家戰略諮詢公司IndianMaze Advisory,最近他在領英上寫了一篇關於從小城鎮和大學招聘的好處的文章。



More importantly, as Indian startups expand into markets beyond major cities, the experience and knowledge that people from smaller towns and colleges possess becomes arguably more important to a company’s success. By hiring only from elite colleges, which have severely skewed gender and caste ratios, companies are unlikely to get on board diverse perspectives.

“You cannot continue to hire people based on ‘feels’,” says Apurv Agrawal, founder of workflow automation platform Squad.

This realization is creeping up on bigger companies as well.

“Companies like Flipkart…have a very diverse customer base. That means we have as many women shopping through e-commerce as men. The same sort of diversity in our employee fabric becomes critical for our success,” says Phanimohan Kalagara, senior vice-president of product and engineering at Flipkart Online. He did not go to an IIT, he adds.

How can employers become better judges of talent? Fighting years of conditioning and biases at the time of recruiting is hard, yet rewarding. I spoke to a few entrepreneurs about some practical measures companies can take while hiring.



“像Flipkart這樣的公司……擁有非常多樣化的客戶群。這意味著我們通過電子商務購物的女性和男性一樣多。”Flipkart Online負責產品和工程的高級副總裁帕尼莫罕•卡拉加拉表示:“員工構成的多樣性對我們的成功至關重要。”他補充說,他自己就沒有上過印度理工學院。


Ask “out of syllabus” questions

Anirudh Pandita, founder of digital entertainment company Pocket Aces, likes to ask candidates about things completely unrelated to the job profile in question, querying prospective coders, product designers, or>

How does an elevator work?

How will you explain this technology to your grandmother?

What will happen in the future if cloning becomes a reality?

The intent is to see how candidates react to unexpected situations. “Even if they don’t know the technical answer, I just want to see how they behave,” says Pandita, who has an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. “It helps me figure out if they are the right cultural fit for our organization or not.”

He looks for people who have the humility to receive feedback and know it when they are wrong, a quality some top academic performers may not possess.


數字娛樂公司Pocket Aces的創始人阿尼魯德•潘迪塔喜歡問應聘者一些與工作完全無關的問題,比如詢問未來的程序員、產品設計師或編劇下面的問題:






Look for spikes in the resume

Given the rapid changes in technology and an evolving business world, what one learns in college can be outdated even by the time of graduation. It is important for employers to gauge an applicant’s curiosity and willingness to learn by looking at other activities on their resumes. Look, for example, at the quality of the internships or online courses a candidate has participated in.

“No engineer can say, ‘I can’t write as good a code as an IIT-ian’ now, because of online learning,” says Squad’s Agrawal. “I have met candidates from unknown colleges in places like Bareilly who have read more books on physics and philosophy than anyone I know.”




Find people who have failed

New entrepreneurs told me about a lesser-known problem with good students, especially those who have been top performers since kindergarten: They don’t know what it is to fail. To build something truly big, a startup founder needs a team that can handle failure. As Alibaba’s Ma told an audience in Nairobi: “If you cannot get used to failure—just like a boxer—if you can’t get used to (being) hit, how can you win?”




For those who’ve found professional success despite graduating from less-famous colleges, there’s a way of giving back: become a brand ambassador for your alma mater.

Go back and mentor students and let them know about the expectations they will face in the modern Indian workplace. “When I graduated from IIFT in 1986, it wasn’t what it is today,” notes Jain. “Not many blue-chip companies recruited from there. It would be a similar story for colleges like IMT Ghaziabad.”

The investment is worth it, for you and your company, because these graduates will remember that you picked them when no one else did.



返校指導學生,讓他們知道他們在現代印度工作場所將面臨的期望。“1986年我從IIFT畢業的時候,情況和現在不一樣,”Jain說。“去那裡招聘的好公司並不多。對於像IMT Ghaziabad這樣的大學來說,情況也差不多。”




Timothy2 days ago

But graduates of elite universities very often are NOT top performers, they merely have parents who are top earners. So this theory makes no sense in the real world.



In my technical industry, I've worked and met many Indians, Chinese, Japanese, etc...brilliant (almost genius) minds that I'll never match up to....the problem with most of them is that they don't know how to make a decision, or afraid to, or want no such responsibility.....it doesn't leave me with much to work with....



Hiring "stars" based on college class rank is how Enron happened.


El Whappo

I'm guessing that the two schools mentioned are full of prominent caste students. Time to shred that ideology and use your manpower to accomplish something good.


Sam Anderson

Check properly, they might be faking it or committing fraud while doing this.



I don’t care what school they went to. Just give me my Lotto ticket and $25 on pump #5.


Pharter McScooter

I work for a tech giant and trust me...those I work with in India aren't all that "elite". Their culture in the work place is very siloed...ie, they don't think outside the box and there's only black and white in their processes.



Interesting article. I can see how this can be a problem as some colleges are so set in legacy and others are just too expensive. Most of the education I have had or been exposed to seemed more like indoctrination than real education.



Well... they do have an elite caste system, so.......



When I have worked with many Indians in American companies and locations, I've found that they got here as a function of money more than brilliance. One downside is that they are accustomed to working with and directing the work of servants, such as me.



i had a store right next to "the indian market" in bellevue wa. only a mile from micro-soft, where many indians work. there were some very nice and polite indians, but overall most were rude, let their young kids run wild, and expected us, to sell anything they wanted, for half price.



Oh jeez.....Indians are taking over in my industry. They are literally everywhere. Being smart is great, but being sensible and having business savvy is something else. On a daily basis some Indian is giving me grief about something.......


Jukti2 days ago

One can't get into an IIT or IIM by bribing or giving donations. Admission is strictly based on merit. Graduates from these colleges do very well in research and teaching. Doing well in large companies is an entirely different thing.


Junk2 days ago

Standardizes test taker and exam crammers are top performance in India, they spend 5-6year to prepare for IIT (3 subjects), none has much of soft skill neither any one can write simple essay.


scs872 days ago

No one can fake himself or herself as representing from IIT or IIM. All of these on site in person interviews. Even US (especially the top investment banking companies) and European companies have the same bias, they recruit graduates from IIT and IIM directly by going to these colleges. However now, the top performers from even the second tier colleges are equally good or better so many companies within India do recruit from there, however the US/Euro companies do not.



Here in the U.S. too many students do just what they need to get by, and expect top grades for minimal work. We need to make America great again.



It is the same everywhere. Walk over to Google (three blocks from my office) and you will find it filled with Stanford and other elites. So what if you got a degree in English. You will get a job there.



Most academic elites usually have type A personalities. They are not good workers because spend too much time trying to control situations and other people, lack compassion and unable to go with the flow. Some times because of their innate controlling tendencies, they also lack creativeness, hence poor problem solvers i.e. only one solution they are able to see..their way or the highway!


urine troubleyesterday

these elite students, especially the indians, have absolutely no common sense. most are terrible employees and you typically find them going back to school to get more degrees after they fail at their first job. They never successfully realize that it is them that is the problem and not the education. I've seen it over and over and over.


The Greys Are Here

Good let them run their businesses into the ground.



What do you expect from the nation that invented the caste system



Only 2% of India's engineers are able to use a keyboard. The rest are "unemployable" per Indian go nment.



Many have multiple degrees in a lot of countries but far and few has good communication skills or the capabilities to prove to me they are really utilizing the degrees that are on paper.



they talk a lot, do little and copy or steal other people's ideas. Habitual liars.


Hank2 days ago

The best are the super intelligent that didnt see the need to do the useless work in school when the aced all of the tests. They ended up not getting scholarships or going to college. These tend to actually be the most creative and intelligent of the work force and are the ones I prefer to hire. They are diamonds in the rough and have never faked their way through life like a lot of the "elite" have.


Jam Greene

PM Modi should give very LOW interest loans to Entrepreneurs below the age of 25. If a young man or woman has a business idea, he/she should be given a VERY VERY ATTRACTIVE LOAN.....of course with a little background check and everything. It is very high time to do this. Farmers should be counselled to become entrepreneurs. They should be allowed to grow anything in their lands including SANDALWOOD TREES. The Farmer should be able to sell his produce anywhere at his price. This is the only way BHARAT can truly transform herself into a MARKET ECONOMY.



Most TOP school grads, overseas or in America, are good at blowing their own horns, office politics, and putting others down. If you look at what they actually accomplish project wise, it usually ranges from failure to pathetic.



Asian Indian man pleads Guilty to Defrauding US Dept of Veterans Affairs with $29 Million.


Cornholio2 days ago

Brilliant students don't always have the soft skills needed to be an effective leader/manager in a company.



No different than any other nation - top schools have more driven students and hence the correlation to succed. That does not mean folks from other schools do not suceed. If i could pick a person from Harvard or University of South Carolina or Alabama - all things being equal, i would pick the kid from Havard, despite the fact i did not go an elite school.
