01.30 英語口語900句|COMPLAINTS 抱怨

--- lesson11 COMPLAINTS 抱怨

--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

I just want to get this mess straightened out.^我想整理一下這亂糟糟的一團。

I hate this weather.^我討厭這天氣。

It’s sucked.^糟透了。

I have had it up to here with this guy.^我受夠這個傢伙了。

I’ve got a real problem with one of my co-workers.^我有個同事真讓我受不了。

This is awful.^這太糟糕了。

I can’t stand this.^我忍受不了這個。

I’m going to complain about this.^我想對此進行抱怨。

I’m fed up with your behavior.^你的行為讓我受夠了。

I’ve had it up to here with you.^我受夠你了。

This is intolerable.^這無法容忍。

I will not accept this situation.^我對此不能容忍。

I will not stand for this.^我對此無法容忍。

I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.^我將向他抱怨一番。

I want to make a complaint.^我想抱怨一番。