08.18 英語每日背10句:We must be strong in life

1、I had dumplings for lunch.(中午吃了餃子。)

2、I found myself getting much fatter suddenly.(突然發現自己胖了好多。)

3、I don't want to see you again.(我不想再見到你。)

4、What's your favorite book?(你最喜歡看什麼書?)

5、It's sleepless night again.(今夜又是無眠之夜。)

6、Your express has been signed.(您的快遞已簽收。)

7、I'm so tired today.(今天好累。)

8、I feel so lost in my life.(我感覺生活很迷茫。)

9、It's getting cooler.(天氣轉涼。)

10、We must be strong in life.(我們要做生活的強者。)