04.06 太平洋海盜王居然是中國人,《加勒比海盜》有她,還做了遊戲2




He had the ships and an already established pirate network, and she had invaluable information about some respected individuals. So their pillow talks soon turned into business talks and very soon led to a marriage for the infamous couple.


Side by side, the couple roved the seas with their powerful armada that steadily grew stronger and stronger. “Pirates consciously used violence and brutality to obtain money and goods, to seek vengeance against their enemies, and to instill fear in anyone who might resist them,” writes Robert J. Antony in his 2012 publication Bloodthirsty Pirates?


Violence and Terror in the South China Sea in Early Modern Times. And although violence speaks louder than words in the books of many historians on this matter, it was words and perfectly played out extortion games against Ching Shin’s former wealthy and politically connected clients, as well as other mighty pirate captains, that gave them control over almost every single ship, and turned every previous enemy into a subordinate ally.


But before this even became a reality, Shin did what every shrewd businesswoman would do before pulling all the aces out of her sleeve and risking her savviness in vain. She struck a deal with her beloved soon-to-be-husband. A so-called premarital agreement that by the pirate code would grant her joint control over the whole fleet, an equal share of the loot, and a co-captain spot out on the deck.


With power and shrewdness now joined in wedlock, together they managed in no more than six years to form an alliance with almost every other large Cantonese pirate fleet and bring them under their command.


In 1807, her husband died at the age of 42, lost at sea and was never to be found again, having been struck by a harsh tsunami in Vietnam. Vague news reached the ear of a grieving widow suggesting that parts of his ship appeared on the coast of a nearby island, but there weren’t any actual survivors left to tell the tale in more detail.


So what’s a savvy woman to do now? Captain or co-captain, she was still “only a woman” in the eyes of a “shark infested” sea of nasty pirates nonetheless, and every single one of them wanted to take her place.

