01.04 收藏丨2017年託福寫作機經題目全解析(內含21個話題及思路)

【1】Whichone is the most important for high school teachers? (students aged 15 to 18)

A-Theability to give advice about planning for future.

B-Theability to recognize students that need help.

C-The ability to encourage students to learn on theirown outside the classroom.【2017/12/09】

A-Give advice about planning for future

1)能夠幫助孩子更好的為今後生活做準備(make wisedecision for future life)

2)更快速達成自己的目標清楚自己想要什麼( need clarity on what is exactly they want )

B-Recognize studentsthat need help

1 ) 幫助學生更好地提高成績(get better grades )

2)幫助學生健康成長(mental well-being)

C-learn on their own outside the classroom

1 ) 可以找到自己的興趣愛好(find their passion)

2)更好的擴大知識面(enlarge their scope of knowledge)


【Find your passion】-From wiki how How to Plan For a Successful Future

Think about what you can turn into work that doesn’t necessarily feel like work. Passion and success are highly intertwined. It is the one thing that can give you that natural enthusiasm and set you on a trajectory to happiness and success.

Don’t be shy to go all the way with what excites you. If something does this for you, then it is a sure sign that it is your passion. It’s something that you are comfortable doing because it simply makes you feel good about yourself, and what you’re capable of.

If you’re having troubles finding out what your passion is, look for patterns in what you’ve done. Perhaps a hobby you’ve been doing can be made into a career? Or maybe past work experiences emanate something about you as a person. For example, volunteer experience usually speaks to what a person cares about and is willing to go the extra mile for it.

【2】If there’s a way to improve yourself, which one among the three choices you wouldtake?

1. takemore exercise

2. eatmore healthy food

3. reduce the amountof stress


A-Take more exercise

1)可以幫助人們提高身體素質(improve physicalfitness)

2)能夠保持健康的體重(keep a healthy weight)

B- Eat more healthy food

1) 保持均衡的飲食(maintain a balanceddiet)

2) 身體健康(keep healthy)遠離疾病(be away fromdiseases)

C- Reduce the amount of stress

1)保持好心情(keep good mood)

2)遠離一些心理疾病(mental diseases)


【3】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In the past people ate food that was better for their health than they do today. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.【2017/11/26】

A- In the past / better

1) 現如今人們食物里人工添加劑很多(food additive)

B- Today / better

1) 生活水平提高 給人們提供了更多的選擇(provide a variety of choices)

2) 人們現如今更加重視健康問題(raise their awarenessof health issues )


Eating healthy is an important step to feeling great and having a strong, healthy body.

Make healthy but easy changes, such as replacing sugary drinks with water

Aim to get between 10% and 35% of your daily calories from protein. Protein helps you build muscle and gives you a steady supply of energy throughout the day

【4】Do you agree or disagree the following statement:

The more money a person has, the more should he or she give away to charities.【2017/11/25】

A- Give away to charities

1) 獲得更好的名聲(Gain a good reputation)

2)為社會做貢獻作為一種回報(Make contribution tothe society in return )

B- Not give for charities

1)有錢人有權利支配自己的金錢(manage theirmoney)

2)收入高的人已經是納稅人(taxpayers),所以沒有額外的義務(no rights)


Eating healthy is an important step to feeling great and having a strong, healthy body.

Review your income and expenses and determine what you can afford to give to a charity.

Giving something is better than giving nothing, but it would be smart to establish a specific yearly goal for donations so you stay within a safe budget.

Even if you want to help charities, under no circumstances should you donate so much that you'll end up being in need of money yourself.

Look for charities supported by large organizations or companies.

Large organizations like the Gates Foundation and The Robin Hood Foundation devote large amounts of time and energy towards selecting and investigating worthy charities. Look around on their websites and those of other large charitable organizations for a list of charities to which they have donated. If any match your interests, go ahead and donate to those charities. This way, you can save yourself the effort of investigating each charity's legitimacy

【5】The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment.

Whichone of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment.

1.Fundthe research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar andwind energy.

2.Preservethe natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.

3.Enforce laws toprevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.


A- Environmentally friendly energy sources

1)在更大的範圍內解決環境問題(on a larger scale)

2)保護環境,減輕空氣汙染Protect environmenteffectively / alleviate air pollution

B- Preserve the natural places

1)提供一個良好的環境給人們。Provide a betterenvironment for human beings

2)保護物種多樣性Protect the diversityof species

C- Enforce laws

1)可以更好的提高人們的意識(raise people’sawareness)

2)強制性更大範圍內解決問題(solve problems effectively)


【6】Older teenagers (16-19) should be allowed to work at paid part-time job or not.【2017/11/12】

A- Work at paid part-time jobs

1)學會更加合理的使用金錢(use money wisely)

2)可以鍛鍊更多的社會技能(develop more social skills)

B- Not part-time jobs

1)耽誤學習時間(waste time of studying)

2)可能會比較危險(be dangerous)


Decide how much time you'd like to spend each day or week making money part time. Your employer will need to know when you are available for work. Start identifying periods of uninterrupted time to work each week.

If your schedule changes erratically, you will need to find ways to either create a stable schedule or find work that offers a lot of flexibility.

If you worked a retail job your boss would need to know when you'd be available for work one to two weeks or more in advance.

【7】Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children.Others think the opposite. What’s your opinion?


A- Bad habits



B- Good habits

1)學會更加合理的使用金錢(use money wisely)

2)可以鍛鍊其他能力,比如管理能力(management ability) 和自律


British children have suffered a slump in theirpocket money, according to research

"It is encouraging to see that children arestill saving, despite the amount of pocket money falling," said FlaviaPalacios Umana, head of savings products at Halifax.

"Teachingchildren how to manage their own pocket money is a great first step tobuilding good financial awareness in our youngsters."





