11.21 12條英文短句:我能有什麼辦法,失去和擁有都由不得我


People always put the sad moment constantly trying to figure out, deliberately do not let go of their own. We are already very sad, there is no need to make themselves more sad.


You have loneliness and liquor, may you also have the breeze and freedom.


When you have nothing, why don't I take you home? But you don't want to have nothing. You want to have wine and meat and a girl and you want to have no wind and no rain year after year. I accompany you here, only after you wish peace.


What can I do, lose and have it is not up to me.


Can not use a suit of thorns to embrace the innocent people, understanding is enough, why talk about the rest of your life.


Have a person, he let you red eyes, but you still smile to forgive?


I can mess with you, talk to you, make you laugh, you are very important.


First listen to do not know the song, listen to already is the song.


Obviously only deleted you, but empty a whole list.


Can not come back to the things we have to pretend never to have.


Some lost is doomed, some fate will never have a result.


At that time, we always thought that life only meet, but did not think that the original has missed, and regret, and too late.