05.17 馬雲特拉維夫大學英文演講:NEVER GIVE UP!





Good evening, Professor Klafter, good evening doctor Yalom and my fellow doctors, faculties, students, thank you so much.

I am so touched and moved by sitting there watching the whole ceremony. It reminds me my wedding, it’s so good. And it’s such an honorable day and it’s a great day for me and I think a great day for all the entrepreneurs and a great day for Alibaba.

According to the traditional education system I was not considered to be a good student. I tried three times for university and failed and I never thought I could be a doctor even in my dream.

Thank you, Tel Aviv, for recognizing me, but one thing I want to share everybody here that never give up. Don’t be disappointed about yourself. If you failed in the university, don’t worry, wait for twenty years, you might join a better university like Tel Aviv. And if you fail to apply for jobs again and again, don’t be disappointed, you should probably think about starting a company and that company one day may become Alibaba.

When we arrived in Israel, my friend said 120 years ago, here was only sand and trees, when I stand here at this great land, with your vision, your creativeness and your wisdom, I feel so honored to get this honor. And I think I also have the honor to among with my fellow doctors, we’ve scientists, governors, presidents, journalists, artists, I am extremely honored to be among with you, and I am very humble to that. And I will take this opportunity to say this honor does not only belong to me, this honor is recognition to all the great entrepreneurs, their fighting for their lives, fighting for the future on the way.

Coming to Israel is a dream that I had for many years, the day when I arrived a few days ago, it was so different from what I’ve heard, talking about, people say it’s not safe, it’s a place with bombs and machine guns. But I arrived, I saw this is so peaceful and prosperous economy, and innovation on the technology. And I think it’s too late, I should be here earlier, and I think because of this great university, I should come here more and more, and one thing we learned - you should not read about Israel, you should come here, feel it and touch it. And this time I bring 40 senior managements of Alibaba group, the purpose of coming here is to learn, to feel and to touch.(獲取更多託福/雅思考試資料請添加精英壹佰小助手wx:te18801210648)

Many many years ago, when I started Alibaba, during my toughest days, a friend of mine said to me: if you want to be stronger, please go to Israel. And in my mind,Israel represents wisdom, innovation and persistence. Alibaba’s mission is to help small business. We believe small is beautiful and small is powerful, and Israel proves small is powerful and it is on the way to small is beautiful. And we think beautiful means peace, beautiful means green, and beautiful means inclusiveness.

And in the past 19 years, I had so many troubles and Alibaba suffered a lot. We failed, we had a lot of setbacks, we had a lot of mistakes. For more than thousands of times I said to myself and colleagues, never give up. Today we come here, we find people here are bound to believe never give up. And it is this spirit that made Israel the miracle in only 70 years. And here there is no even one diamond but you have the biggest diamond exchange in this world, you don’t have any cars, you don’t have any manufactured cars but you have the best technology on car manufacturing. You don’t have oil, don’t have water, don’t have any resources but you make yourself so strong.

When Alibaba was founded, we don’t have money, we don’t have technology, we don’t have resources, we don’t have relations called “關係” and nobody believed we could be successful and 19 years past, we made a lot of mistakes and a lot of failures, setbacks but the only thing we made it right is don’t give up.

So we both have nothing when we started but there is one thing we all have, the most precious thing in this world, that’s the human brains, and the most valuable assets we have is that we all gone through tough days, tough experience and a lot of failures and mistakes. So it is because of the tough lives that makes us different.

And today Jewish people got 22% of the Nobel prizes and you only have 0.3% of the population of the world. These days I saw so many great scientists, philosophers, entrepreneurs and I asked them why Israel people are so smart? They told me because that they’ve been homeless and the only thing that nobody can take away from them that is the brain. The Jewish people pay attention to the education, pay attention to the brains, not assets , not the money.(獲取更多託福/雅思考試資料請添加精英壹佰小助手wx:te18801210648)

And here I strongly feel that life could be very tough, but our wisdom, our courage and our love are all come from the tough lives. And in Israel I learned one word - Chutzpa - thecourage to challenge the convention and I believe this is the spirit that belongs to the 21th century, and this is the spirit belongs to the tech revolution and belongs to the future.

The world is entering the third technology revelation, the world is going to have a big change. We are going to enter into a new complete different world. We are moving from IT to DT, it’s not about technology, it’s about the mindset, it’s not the difference of the technology, it’s the mindset that think difference. IT is looking for standardization, scale, and DT is looking for individualism and personalize(personalization) and customization.

We believe everybody is born, is made unique and different. Every race, everypeople, every nation in this world are unique. In the past we made people like a machine, in the future we’ll make machine like a people(person). In the future we’ll make sure people live better, machine should do jobs machine can do. Don’t worry about machine will win the human beings, human beings have the heart, machine only have the chips, so don’t worry about it. Machine could be smarter, machine could be faster, machine could be stronger, but machine will never have the love. And I think if you want to be successful, we should have the IQ, if you want to be successful, we should have the EQ, but if you want to be respected, you should have the LQ, the Q of love. Human beings have much more things that machine can not do. In the IT time, IT is to control mind, in the DT time, DT is to create mind, IT makes yourself stronger, DT makes other people stronger, we know if only the other people is good can we be good, if the neighbors be good, we can be good. So the future economy is about sharing, the future economy is about transparency, the future economy is about responsibility.

By standing on this land, I understand and appreciate how important the peace is.The first technology revolution directly or indirectly caused World War I, the second technology revolution caused second World War, now we are entering the third technology revolution.Human beings should have no wars , but if there is a war, the war should be against poverty, disease and environment (pollution).This is the same problem and this is the catastrophe we face, and this is the third technology revolution should do, and the human beings should be united. Every year people die, the number people die of cancer is almost as the same number that the first world war, every year people died of poverty, disease and pollution, the number is bigger than the number the second world war people died. So we think we should work together to solve the problem for the future, for the young people, for the next generation, make the world much more peaceful, green and sustainable.(獲取更多託福/雅思考試資料請添加精英壹佰小助手wx:te18801210648)

And I would like to say thank you so much again for this splendid unforgettable event and I think this honor and ceremony is the call for us to do more, sacrifice more and take more responsibility. Yalla, let’s go together. Thank you!