03.05 CATTI二級筆譯實務參考譯文與分析(二)



Passage 2

At one of the bettercolleges in India’s capital, there is just one large room for 140 faculty membersto sit and have a cup of tea or grade papers. “Evenif half show up, there aren’t enough chairs,” said Amin, a history professorthere. “There is no other place to work. In this situation, how do you expect teachersto work?” The lack of amenities for facultymembers is not the only issue. After 30 years at Mary College, which is one ofthedozens administered by the University ofDelhi, Ms. Amin makes the equivalent of US$22,000a year—less than half of what some of her better studentswill make in their first jobs. New opportunities offer not just more money forgraduates but also mobility and flexibility, whichare virtually unheard offor faculty at most of India’s colleges and universities. All this means thatIndia is facing a severe shortage of facultymembers. But it is not just low pay and lack of facilities that are being blamed.According to a government report published last year, a massive expansion inhigher education combined with a poor supply of Ph.Ds, delays in recruitmentand the lack of incentives to attract and nurture talent have led to a situation in which 40percent of existing faculty positions remain vacant.The report’s authors, mostly academics, foundthat if the shortfall is calculated by using the class size recommended by thegovernment, this figure jumps to 54 percent.

Experts say this isthe clearest sign that India will fail to meet the goal set by the educationminister, who has pledged to more than doublethe size of the country’s higher education system by 2020. They say that whilethe ambition is laudable, the absence of along-term strategy to develop faculty will ensure that India’s education dreamremains just that. Professor Ali of the Indian Institute of Technology,meanwhile, was more optimistic. He felt India could enroll as much as 25 percentof eligible students in colleges and universities—about twicethe current figure—by 2020. “Tangible changes are happening,” he said, “The debatewhat has happened in the last few years has taken people out of their comfortzones. There is more consensus across the boardthat we need to provide quality education.”




原文標題:Faculty Shortage Could Thwart India's Education Dream






papers 英 美 /'pepɚz/

n. 文件;證件;論文數;試卷

n. (Papers)人名;(希)帕佩爾斯

amenity 英 /əˈmiːnəti/ 美 /əˈmenəti,əˈmiːnəti/

n. 舒適;禮儀;愉快;便利設施

複數 amenities

dozens 許多

dozens of 幾十;許多

equivalent 英 /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ 美 /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/

adj. (在價值、數量等方面)相等的;等價的;等效的;等量的;同意義的

n. 對等的人(或事物);當量

the equivalent of 相當於

mobility 英 /məʊˈbɪləti/ 美 /moʊˈbɪləti/

n. 移動性;機動性;[電子] 遷移率

virtually 英 /ˈvɜːtʃuəli/ 美 /ˈvɜːrtʃuəli/

adv. 事實上,幾乎;實質上

unheard 英 /ʌnˈhɜːd/ 美 /ʌnˈhɜːrd/

adj. 聽不到的;未被傾聽的;不予理睬的

unheard of 前所未聞的;從未聽說的;駭人聽聞的

severe 英 /sɪˈvɪə(r)/ 美 /sɪˈvɪr/

adj. 嚴峻的;嚴厲的;劇烈的;苛刻的

incentive 英 /ɪnˈsentɪv/ 美 /ɪnˈsentɪv/

n. 動機;刺激

adj. 激勵的;刺激的

incentives n. 激勵;獎勵;誘因(incentive的複數形式);獎勵措施

nurture 英 /ˈnɜːtʃə(r)/ 美 /ˈnɜːrtʃər/

vt. 養育;鼓勵;培植

n. 養育;教養;營養物

vacant 英 /ˈveɪkənt/ 美 /ˈveɪkənt/

adj. 空虛的;空的;空缺的;空閒的;茫然的

n. (Vacant)人名;(法)瓦康

academics 英 美 /,ækə'dɛmɪk/

n. 學術水平;學術知識;專業學者

pledge 英 /pledʒ/ 美 /pledʒ/

n. 保證,誓言;抵押;抵押品,典當物

vt. 保證,許諾;用……抵押;舉杯祝……健康

n. (Pledge)人名;(英)普萊奇

laudable 英 /ˈlɔːdəbl/ 美 /ˈlɔːdəbl/

adj. 值得讚賞的

tangible 英 /ˈtændʒəbl/ 美 /ˈtændʒəbl/

adj. 有形的;切實的;可觸摸的

n. 有形資產

consensus 英 /kənˈsensəs/ 美 /kənˈsensəs/

n. 一致;輿論;合意