看美剧学口语:OK, I'll bite.好吧,我洗耳恭听

Mary Alice Voiceover: Past mistakes...陈年错误

[EXT: Lake -Night深夜在湖边]

(Paul throws the wrapped up chest into the lake.保罗把一个捆绑的箱子扔进湖里)

[INT Police Station -Day警察局——白天]

(Policeman shows pictures of the chest to a carpenter.警察给一个木匠看一个木箱的几张照片)

Policeman: We pulled it out of Rockwater Lake.我们从洛克沃特湖捞起来的。

Carpenter: I must have sold several hundred of these, just like it. We have a list of customers' names on file.


[EXT: Lake-Night深夜湖边]

Mary Alice Voiceover:...will come back to haunt you.会阴魂不散

haunt vt.缠住;常到;出没(像鬼魂一样)

[EXT:Young House-Night杨的家 深夜]

(Paul and Zach are arguing.保罗和扎克在争吵)

Zach: I won't tell anyone.I'll keep your secret, dad?



[EXT:Solis House -Garden -Day索利斯的家,院子,白天]

Mary Alice Voiceover: There were many things Gabrielle Solis knew for certain-加布丽尔对许多事都确信无疑

(Gabrielle comes outside, runs her fingers through her hair & smoothes her dress.加布丽尔从里面出来,用手指理了理头发和裙子)

Mary Alice Voiceover: She knew red was her colour. She knew diamonds went with everything.


(Gabrielle collects the mail, next door neighbour is playing catch with his son, but stops to look at her.


Mary Alice Voiceover:-And she knew men were all the same-她确信男人骨子里都一样。

(Gabrielle stops the baseball with her shoe, and gives the ball back to the boy.加布丽尔用鞋子把棒球拦住,把球踢给男孩)

Mary Alice Voiceover: But the one thing Gabrielle knew above all else - she would never want children...但有一件事加布丽尔最确定无疑,那就是坚决不要孩子。

(Gabrielle watches Carlos smiling at the father and son playing together.加布丽尔看着卡洛斯微笑着看着那对父子在打球)

Mary Alice Voiceover:Unfortunately for Gabrielle, her husband Carlos felt differently.可不幸的的是她的丈夫可不 这么想。

[INT:Solis House -Gabrielle and Carlos-Bedroom-Night夜晚,索利斯和加布丽尔在卧室]

(Gabrielle and Carlos are in bed, Gabrielle is putting on hand cream and Carlos is reading.两个人在床上,加布丽尔在摸护手霜,卡洛斯在看书)

Gabrielle: I'm so lucky to have you,


Carlos: huh, OK, I'll bite.好吧,我洗耳恭听

俚语学习I'll bite.

英文解释: 在 the Free Dictionary查的英文解释

【OK, I'll engage with you on this topic.

Okay, I will answer your question.;

Okay, I will listen to your joke or play your little guessing game

You want me to ask what or why, so, what or why?】

意思是:我问你吧 ,我正想问你呢,我正想知道呢,我回答你吧;



A: "I think I've figured out why Tom is being such a jerk."


B: "Are you not going to tell us any more? Fine, I'll bite—why is Tom being such a jerk?"

怎么不继续说下去? 得了那我就问你,汤姆为什么那么混蛋。


Rex: Guess what is in this box?


Bill: I'll bite.


Rex: A new watch!


(He puts book down他把书放下)

Carlos: Why are you so lucky?


Gabrielle: Because I don't want to have kids and you do.


Carlos: Oh .That.


Gabrielle: Most men would leave over something like that, and you're still here. I'm grateful. I know the sacrifice you're making.


Carlos: There's still a little part of me that's hoping to change your mind. Once you had a baby I think that you would love it so much.


Gabrielle: Honey. It's not going to happen.


Carlos: You never know.


Gabrielle: No, sometimes you do.


sometimes you do(=上句出现的动词know)字面是说:有时候你会知道。意译:毋庸置疑。

Carlos: Well, it is a sacrifice. But you're worth it.这确实是一种牺牲,但为了你值得。