
How much should you charge as a consultant? This can be an extremely challenging question to answer because it involves doing research, taking risks and proper planning.


Fortunately, all three of these skills will come in handy as an entrepreneur so you may as well get used to it now.


In most cases, I strongly suggest asking the prospect what their budget is.


If they have a number in mind, you can see how well that aligns with what you were going to charge.


You might find the prospect has a much higher budget than you anticipated.


However, they may respond to that question by asking what your rate is.


To avoid volleying back and forth before one of you gives up, you'll need to have this established from the start.


It’s important to remember the rate you charge will have a direct impact on how people perceive you.


Too low? They could take that as a sign that you aren't that good.


Too high? You better really good — and prove it — or people are going to pass.


I’ll always be in favor of doing what is required to deliver what your client needs and charging for a more premium service.


You have the opportunity to build your own businesses, why wouldn’t you want to be the best solution out there for your specific audience?


Keep in mind, “premium” for your audience may not be viewed as premium — or even applicable — for other audiences.


That’s why it’s so important to do deep research on who you’ll be helping.


This allows you to genuinely say, "I understand you have this challenge, this is the impact it's having on you, and I've developed a solution to alleviate it. Would you like my help?"


Once you’ve honed in on your audience, it is time to figure out how much to charge them for the solution you've developed. Here are some simple methods.


Related: How to Start a Consulting Business: Determine Your Business Model


Ask people how much they paid for a similar service1.詢問人們為類似的服務支付了多少錢This is an approach I stumbled across by accident when I first started consulting.這是我剛開始諮詢時偶然發現的一種方法。I asked a friend if she needed help optimizing her Instagram profile so she could land more clients.我問一個朋友,她是否需要幫助優化她的Instagram個人資料,這樣她就可以獲得更多的客戶。She politely informed me she was already working with a consultant, with whom she was very happy.她禮貌地告訴我,她已經在和一位顧問合作了,她和他在一起很開心。I was somewhat disappointed but decided to turn it into a learning opportunity.我有點失望,但決定把它變成一個學習的機會。I asked her how much her consultant charged so I could get a feel for the going rate in New York City.我問她,她的顧問收取了多少錢,以便我可以感受一下紐約市的現行價格。I then asked her another question, “What else could they do, that would justify you paying even more?” This is a crucial question for all of us to ask.然後我又問了她另一個問題,“他們還能做什麼,讓你支付更多的錢是合理的?”這是我們所有人都要問的一個關鍵問題。If you charge the average rate, you’ll get average results.如果你收取平均費率,你會得到平均結果。Her response let me know exactly what I needed to do in order to be positioned as a more premium service.她的回答讓我確切地知道我需要做什麼,才能被定位為更優質的服務。If possible, get input from 5-10 people.如果可能,從5-10個人那裡獲得輸入。