「英翻」喀喇崑崙公路- 面對如此美景,印度網友不淡定了

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:jgscllp 轉載請註明出處

The Karakoram Highway - from China to Pakistan
喀喇崑崙公路- 從中國到巴基斯坦

The Karakoram Highway (KKH) runs from Kashgar in Western China to Islamabad in Pakistan, and isn''t so much a highway as a ''high road''. It took a stunning 20 years to finish the road, and even today it continues to suffer from extreme weather and environmental disasters.
喀喇崑崙公路,起點是中國西部的小城喀什,終點是巴基斯坦的伊斯蘭堡。它號稱‘高速公路’有些名不副實,不如稱呼它‘很高的路’。 修這條路歷時20年才完工,這時間是很驚人的。直到今天,它依然飽受極端天氣和自然災害的影響。
The KKH runs through the highest concentration of soaring mountain peaks and raging rivers in the world, and is generally considered to be among the most spectacular areas on our planet. Traveling here isn''t for the faint hearted, although transportation has improved significantly in the past decades.
In October 2010 I had the chance to travel the Karakoram Highway. Although Pakistan had suffered its worst floods in recent history the same year, most parts of the road were still intact. Nevertheless, traveling the road proved a massive challenge and also a great adventure. As these events had scared off many tourists and travelers, I found myself among locals for nearly all of the time.


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:jgscllp 轉載請註明出處
One day before I die, I would love to cover this with my bike. I hope we Indians could do that. Pakistan is beautiful.
Bonny King
Don''t worry,
Our Lost Territory, will be reclaimed Soon
Million Trillion
That''s do on indian news channel in dream.shut well''s frog??
Jack Xie
there is a popular saying in China" the road is the first step to becoming rich" hope pakistan brothers can understand and support this policy. welcome pakistan brothers and sisters come to China. you are very welcome here.

Huzaifa Sheikh Liu Jian
@Felix Korlos brother ignore that rohit he is just frustrated nothing more than that !
rohit Bhosale
Felix Korlos Karakorum highway going from POK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir) that is Officially Indian part. so china doing illegal thing....OK..
rohit Bhosale
Felix Korlos at any time India attack on it..and take our part back

Now wait is over.
Sven Korlos
@rohit Bhosale just attack, chinese and pakistan are waiting for you .
PaoloG Redundancies
what a desolate land, dotted in and by the occasional oasis... Its an timeless escape, as if you had awakened to find yourself upon another planet, altogether. Its beauty is stifling.
Delta Finance
The incredible, awesome and absolutely amazing engineering, construction and design of the Karakoram Bridges is a marvelous achievement by the men who built it. It was only Allah (God) who made it possible. All praise to Almighty Allah (God) for his mercy and bounties.
Tsee Tan
China & Pakistan we are brother! Forever and ever!
John Blue
Long live the friendship of China and Pakistan!

All the overly-patriotic Indians be hatin
Zom Boy
+Tenaki2427 Well, can you please explain what exactly Indians are hating about this video?
+Tenaki2427 LOL Hating for what??? A road that china is building which is passing through pakistan? hahahaha Roads like this must be news to you India already has an operational Golden quadrilateral since 10 years.
Enjoy ur life
Oh god, What is the point of cursing indian here????
Shanti Q
That''s the problem only filth comes out of their mouth. Jealous
Hani Shah
Are you blind to see the hatred filled comments of Indians when Indians don''t have anything related to this video.
Ajay Singh Shekhawat
Vikas Dhyani very soon India is going take back Pakistan occupied Kashmir
Vikas Dhyani
@Ajay Singh Shekhawat I hope for the same. Hope it is very soon.
Abc Xya
well india will be in more piece in the near future. a dog can only bark..you should blame gandhi for partition


This is not truly one of the most impressive engineering feats in human history. This is THE most impressive engineering feat in human history and will never be surpassed . We are talking about 1200km long bumpy road here. I wept in open anger when it was featured on the show "World''s Shittiest Roads".