SharePoint 2019 超級體驗





輕鬆的在Office 365 搭建的多功能的內網使用SharePoint Hub 管理站點SharePoint移動應用,讓內網更實用,更靈活。

圖例: SharePoint hub site, 產品組使用Contoso展示的交流新聞和相關信息。

SharePoint 快速創建一個內網,動態展示通知公告和新聞。身臨其境的,包括視頻和混合現實。門戶本身的結構是動態的,可以根據組織和工作人員的變化進行調整。模塊化場景的最佳應用。

“當你有一個設計的點子, SharePoint 平臺會提供一個快速響應的功能來完成,並儘可能的幫你更大擴展. 平臺提供快速迭代,敏捷開發的模式 , 所以你有更多的精力來思考你的創意和靈感,”

創建modern intranet(綜合應用的內網)

對內網的綜合應用和性能做了一個全新的改造. 把你關心的應用和信息推送到你的應用端, – 特別是移動應用. 減少IT和開發成本,提高業務速度和敏捷性,升級內部網的動態和受歡迎的特性。


New megamenu layout for site and hub navigation - Increase the value and space of your site navigation. The new megamenu options allow for multiple levels of hierarchy at once - no fly-outs needed. This will enable you to better organize and showcase the related content and sites associated under that hub site.


新的 SharePoint megamenu 功能,應用在內部交流站點的示例

個性化的 web parts – 給你的網站和頁面訪問者一個個性化的體驗——這樣用他們喜歡的方式讓他們看到屬於他們的內容。當使用個性化的web部件時,人們會看到他們最近的站點、最近的文檔和為他們量身定製的新聞。您可以個性化任何頁面或新聞文章。當您向頁面添加個性化的webpart時,它會知道誰已經註冊,併為您正在向他們推廣的內容和信息提供獨特的相關體驗。



Audience targeting for News and Highlighted content webparts - 您可以更好地定義什麼新聞文章和網頁出現在您的網站的家庭經驗,配置什麼是可見的具體組。每個人都將有一個獨特的體驗,符合你希望他們看到的,而不需要創建多個特定於觀眾的網站,你可以在一個更集中的位置為他們提供個性化的、有針對性的體驗。新聞、頁面和其他web部分將啟用針對受眾的支持,這樣您就可以通過使用office365組來定義和定位哪些人最適合獲得內容和站點體驗。

SharePoint news webpart showing organizational news coming from the News @ Contoso site.

隨著組織新聞豐富的功能轉移到生產中,您將授權所有溝通者,使小組、部門和部門與團隊新聞保持同步。SharePoint News是一個內容分發系統,它可以跨個人、團隊和組織新聞,幫助客戶通過SharePoint應用程序和體驗將內容傳遞給受眾。新聞工作在SharePoint的所有現代網站-團隊網站,交流網站和樞紐。它還能讓你把你的信息傳遞給正確的人——即使新聞是在互聯網上發佈的,也能通過新聞鏈接把它帶到人們消費與工作相關信息的地方。

站點: 可能靈活調整的頁眉佈局 - 站點管理員,可以回收站點頂部的一些垂直空間,並突出顯示主頁內容。有兩種選擇:默認和緊湊。

站點: 靈活調整的頁腳 - 當您更改站點的外觀時,現在可以添加一個站點頁腳來顯示希望在站點底部突出顯示的常見信息。注意:配置頁腳只在SharePoint通信站點的頁面和新聞文章中可用。它不會出現在SharePoint列表或這些相同通信站點的文檔庫頁面上,也不會出現在SharePoint團隊站點上。您也可以關閉頁腳。

Central 資產庫 – 提供方便的訪問您的組織批准的映像,每個人都可以利用這些映像。當一個人需要一個經過批准的映像,或者需要在整個內部網購買一個用於授權使用的映像時,他們可以單擊“您的組織”,並導航集中管理的用於標題區域和映像webpart的文件和資產文件夾。

Choose approved photos from Your organization when placing them on your site pages or news articles.

日程管理 Web part: – 網站所有者和成員現在可以在他們的網站主頁、子頁面和/或團隊站點、通信站點和中心站點上的新聞文章中顯示重要發佈日期、關鍵會議、活動結束等的倒計時計時器。只需將web部件添加到頁面或新聞中,然後單擊目標日期和時間進行倒計時。瞧,每個人都能看到在那個重要的日期和時間之前還有多少時間。

在主網站下的用戶體驗 – Office 365最重要的站點之一是根站點,它是創建的默認站點,URL最短:https://[yourTenant]。現在是時候讓它成為一個真正的交流的地方了。新租戶的默認情況是在根站點上提供通信站點。正確地啟動根,您的內部網的其餘部分將從它開始成長和繁榮。注意:現有租戶還可以選擇在其租戶的基礎上提供通信站點體驗。2018年,我們將在有限的範圍內推出,逐步覆蓋更多現有租戶的根站點場景。

瞭解更多,請參考 build your modern intranet in Office 365.

更深的組織你的站點在 SharePoint Hub sites


Events web part rolls up events from associated sites - 與新聞web部件和站點活動(通常在hub站點的主頁上使用)一樣,您現在可以利用Events web部件將事件從關聯站點上捲起來,以便所有事件的聚合視圖出現在hub站點級別。

Events from across sites can roll up and be displayed in a unique Events webpart of ALL associated events. Note: events are aggregated from different sites.

創建一個社區網站在hub站點上 - 通過將管理站點自動關聯到中心站點並在中心站點本身內創建它們,可以簡化與中心站點關聯的管理站點。您將通過使用hub站點本身上的一個新按鈕將站點連接到hub——當您單擊它時,您將獲得常規的新站點體驗,並且站點將自動關聯到hub站點。

You can create a site from within a hub site, and that site will already be associated to the hub site along with any applied site designs when it is initially provisioned. Note the "Create site" button in the upper-right of the hub site homepage.

Create, associate/disassociate, plus report on hub sites in the SharePoint admin center in Office 365 - Office 365中的SharePoint管理中心現在允許您創建SharePoint hub站點,並在hub站點存在時關聯其他站點。這還提供了hub站點的視圖,因為它們允許執行常見的管理任務,如報告、聯繫和管理站點——現在包括來自admin center用戶界面的hub站點。hub站點關聯列還允許您查看與hub關聯的站點。

Select any team or communication site and convert it to a hub site or associate it to an exsiting one - in one click (#noPowershell).

Approval on association (會籤)- 靈活的審批流程進一步授權hub站點所有者和站點所有者發出請求,並以編程方式適應其不斷增長的動態內部網中的更改。

Learn more about hub sites in the SharePoint hub sites planning guide.



文檔庫的訪問 – 當你使用SharePoint文檔庫時,你會停留在SharePoint移動應用程序體驗(用於查看和導航)中,然後進入集成的OneDrive應用程序——在那裡你可以對文件執行更豐富的操作。同樣的SharePoint文檔庫查看和導航功能也將出現在Outlook移動應用程序中。

A rich SharePoint document library experience within the SharePoint mobile app.

Organizational news support – As you tap into the SharePoint mobile app News tab, you'll now see support for organizational news - which brings greater control, process and reach to how news can be published and consumed throughout your organization.

Easily see important organizational news with visible badges.

Create news links - With News links, you can now bring in news articles from external sources. And now you can do this from your mobile device’s share option - through to the SharePoint mobile app. Once you share it, the news article goes into the SharePoint news service as a new News article. And when a person clicks on it, they will be taken to the original source to read the article. Note: this feature will initially only be on the SharePoint mobile app for Android.

@mentions within comments - When viewing a news article within the SharePoint mobile app, you can now directly @mention a person from within your organization and they will be notified - aka, drawn into the article and your response to further engage on what's happening around you. Bring people into the discussion - @mention them.

Easily @mention someone in a news article comment - with full Azure Active Directory lookup.

Create and stay up to date while on the go with SharePoint mobile apps:

Try more and more of what SharePoint offers, and let us know what you think

In all, we encourage you to build out and organize your intranet. Establish the sites you need and ensure your users can create the sites they need. Once established, associate them to hub sites to organize related sites and projects. As you progress year over year, keep creating and sharing dynamic, data-rich news articles.

If you didn’t catch Jeff Teper’s general session, “Content Collaboration in the Modern Workplace” at Ignite [9/24/18], I encourage you to watch the session, right now ;).

We want to empower you and every person on your team to achieve more. Let us know what you need next. We are always open to feedback via UserVoiceand continued dialog in the SharePoint community in the Microsoft Tech Community —and we always have an eye on tweets to @SharePoint. Let us know.

—Mark Kashman, senior product manager for the SharePoint teamFrequently asked questions (FAQs)

Q: When is this all being released in Office 365?

A: The above blog marks the disclosure of numerous feature and capability announcements. Our goal is to release all the items to Targeted Release customers in Office 365 by the end of the first half of calendar year 2019. You can expect future blogs and admin message center posts to raise attention to specific change management dates per each item to designate initial availability roll out in Office 365, with refined information about timing and duration of roll out.

BONUS IMAGE – full “Contoso Landings” sample communication site (header-to-footer):