

Involve是個多義的常用且常考的詞彙,involve的基本意思是“包含”、“牽涉”。只用作及物動詞,可接名詞、代詞或動名詞作賓語。involve後接介詞in表示“使…參與;使…陷入”; 接介詞with表示“牽連,涉及”。 如:The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.考試將包括回答一些關於一張照片的問題。 There was an incident involving a group of youths. 有一起嚴重的事件牽涉一群年輕人。Nell and I do everything together, he involves me in everything. 我和內爾什麼事情都一起做,他讓我參與所有的事。 It was said he was involved with the pirate. .據說他與海盜有牽連。常用於被動結構,如:A number of citizens were involved in the celebration. 許多市民參加了這次慶祝活動。

involved(相關的,涉及的)還可以是involve的過去分詞形式,在句中常作後置定語,相當於一個限制性定語從句。如:Let's take a look at some of the figures involved(which are involved ). 讓我們看一下涉及的一些數字。Involved還可用作表語。如:I got involved in a quarrel about the price. 我被捲入了一場有關價格的爭吵。involvement n. 牽連;He hoped to avoid involvement in the affair. 他希望避免捲入這件事。