The biological mother was a drug addict孩子親生媽媽是癮君子

Mrs Huber: (off screen) How do you know Mary Alice?


Mrs Tilman: Who?

Mrs Huber: Mary Alice Young. She lives next door to me in Fairview. She's standing right here in this picture with you. (shows her sister the picture)

瑪麗.愛麗絲.楊。在美景鎮她就住我隔壁。這張照片上她和你 站在一塊。

Mrs Tilman: That's Angela Forrest, we worked together at the rehab centre fifteen years ago.


rehab n.修復的房屋;康復;戒毒(酒)

Mrs Huber: Don't be dense, Felicia. Don't you think I even know my own neighbour?




Mrs Tilman: (confused, but wonders) Does this Mary Alice have children?


Mrs Huber: A teenager. A boy.一個十幾歲的男孩。

Mrs Huber: What?


Mrs Tilman: Angela and I worked together with a very disturbed young woman who gave birth to a baby b boy. About a year later Angela and her husband disappeared. (Mrs Huber is hooked to the story) Not long after that, I heard that the child was missing too. People said that it was just a coincidence, but in my heart I always hoped that she had given the child a proper home.


disturbed adj. 有心理疾病的;不安的

Mrs Huber: Are you saying she stole the baby?


Mrs Tilman: Don't look shocked, Martha, it makes your face look fat. (Now we know why Mrs Huber acts as she does with a relationship with her sister like this.)


Mrs Tilman: The biological mother was a drug addict! If Angela really is your neighbour, which I doubt, then that child was very lucky.


biological adj.生物的;生物學的

drug n.毒品; 藥; 藥物;

addict n.吸毒成癮的人; 癮君子; 對…入迷

drug addict 吸毒者/癮君子