

Skin icing has become a popular morning and evening ritual for better-looking skin. Cold therapy has been used in spas and in skin care treatments for several years . It's also long been a regular practice in the skin care routine of Korean women—who are, of course, known for their detailed beauty rituals.


What Is Cryotherapy?


Localized therapy treatment in which the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes. It helps to reduce inflammation and blunt nerve receptors to dull pain.


Proponents of skin icing believe it can be used to:

Refresh the face;

Fight the formation of wrinkles;

Fight acne and heal blemishes;

Promote blood circulation, thereby giving skin a healthier appearance.






The History


The most basic form of skin icing is when you use an ice cube to reduce under-eye or facial puffiness. It has long been a staple of skincare wisdom (we’ve all used a refrigerated spoon or cucumber slices on our eyes in the past, right?). Far from being an old wives tale, there’s actually science behind this age-old advice. When actual ice is applied to the skin, it causes blood to rise to the surface (think of that rosy glow you get after a brisk winter walk), which soothes and tightens the skin.



Ice has long been a secret to clear skin and a healthy-looking glow. Russian Empress Catherine the Great was said to have applied ice cubes to her face, neck, and décolletage every morning to give her skin a radiant appearance. Whilst expensive facials and complicated skincare tools have their place, sometimes the simplest tricks are classics for a reason.


据说过去,俄罗斯的Catherine女王每天早上都在她的脸、脖子和装饰上涂上冰块,让整个脸部有一种容光焕发的感觉。 昂贵和复杂的美容方式自然有它存在的道理,但有时最简单的技巧也是其成为经典的原因。

Iconic Hollywood actress Joan Crawford was another high-profile fan of skin icing. She is said to have regularly submerged her face in a sink of ice water to brighten her complexion and counteract puffiness. Today, celebrity fans include Mandy Moore, who Instagrammed her Super Nova Facial with specialist Joanna Vargas. The Super Nova includes cryotherapy—to help increase circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage, and also provides anti-inflammatory benefits. Vargas’s other clients include Elizabeth Moss and Dakota Johnson, who also enjoy her unique cryotherapy facials.

好莱坞标杆性的女演员Joan Crawford是另一位高调的“冰冻”皮肤疗法推广者。据说,她经常把脸浸在冰水中,以使她的肤色变亮,消除浮肿。

今天,名人粉丝Mandy Moore也曾在Instagram上推送了她与美容专家Joanna Vargas一起完成的Super Nova Facial疗法。Super Nova Facial包括面部超低温冷疗——帮助增加循环,氧合和淋巴引流,并提供抗炎的好处。

瓦尔加斯的其他客户包括Elizabeth MossDakota Johnson,也喜欢她独特的面部超低温冷疗护理。

Joan Crawford

Mandy Moore

Elizabeth Moss

Dakota Johnson

Kate Moss has also been vocal about her favorite beauty secret—the exact same practice of submerging the skin in ice water that Joan Crawford championed years before. If this trick keeps our favorite ’90s supermodels skin looking radiant, we want in.

Kate Moss也一直在谈论她最喜欢的美容秘密——这是Joan Crawford多年前倡导的将皮肤浸入冰水中的完全相同的做法。如果这个技巧让我们最喜欢的90年代超模皮肤看起来光彩照人,我们也想加入。

Plenty of Benefits


Skin icing helps tighten and shrink enlarged pores by helping to unclog pores that can appear larger due to debris and excess sebum. Icing tones the face, making it look smoother. It's also great to do before applying makeup. It minimizes the appearance of enlarged pores underneath the makeup, helping foundation look smoother and flawless. Ice the face and then apply primer.



You can use it to de-puff your eyes too. Cold constricts the blood vessels so that less blood goes to the surface of the skin (which reduces any inflammation or swelling). The body responds by gradually sending an increased flow of warm blood to the area, which is what that rosy glow comes from.


Even better, using a cooling skincare product on the face will help the actives absorb better. This is due to the cold temperature making the capillaries in the skin restrict, creating a “pulling” effect. Fatigued faces can look forward to a firming effect and stimulating feeling from the ice that helps eliminate toxins. It can also help ease the signs of wrinkles and slow the appearance of new wrinkles, too.

