
  编者按:2020年开年以来,新冠病毒疫情牵动着全球人民的心。在中国疫情防控的关键时刻,世界各地国际友人心中有何感受,对武汉、对中国想说些什么?我苏网联合江苏国际频道推出“We Stand with YOU” (和你在一起)系列报道,倾听他们的心声。

(Click to watch the exclusive interview with Alexander Dony)


Lou Qinjian, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Wu Zhenglong, Governor of Jiangsu, wrote a letter to foreign-funded enterprises in Jiangsu on Monday. On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, they thanked the foreign-funded enterprises in the province for their trust and love for Jiangsu and their support, understanding and assistance during the epidemic period.

唐善达接受《Hello Jiangsu》栏目的采访


As one of the earliest foreign enterprises that settled in Jiangsu, BSH also received the letter and wrote a letter back. In his letter, Alexander Dony, President of BSH Home Appliances Group Region Greater China, thanked Jiangsu's support to foreign enterprises in terms of resuming production.



Alexander Dony said, "I feel extremely privileged to have received this letter. It shows an unbelievable care for the enterprises in Jiangsu."


The most heartfelt message in the letter for Alexander Dony is about Jiangsu's support for the resumption of production of foreign-funded enterprises. "Jiangsu has introduced a series of policies to spur economic development, including Jiangsu's economic development, and the development of foreign-funded enterprises like BSH," said him.



The six companies of BSH China were all in the first batch of enterprises obtaining approvals from local governments to restart operation on Feb. 10. At present, the resuming rate already reached up to 99%, and the production capacity recovered almost 90%. From the application of resuming work to the actual production, the 3 bases of BSH have received a lot of support in logistics and coordination from local authorities.


"What's also great, the government issued the 50 points plan or 50 points policy," said Alexander Dony. "And there is some very preferential policies that will greatly help us to get out to this epidemic."


Jiangsu issued "Several Policies and Measures against the Impact of the COVID-19 and for Unimpeded Flows in the Economy and Steady and Sustained Economic Growth" (50 policies and measures) on Feb. 12. The policies were later specified into 152 measures in 6 batches by the Provincial Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control.



"Clearly, the government cares particularly at a time like this. And to hear directly from the top level, to tell us that they care, we are much blessed," said Alexander Dony. He said that the letter also outlines the next-step measures to prevent epidemic and develop Jiangsu's economic development in an accelerated way. BSH is very much part of that.


In fact, at the beginning of the epidemic, BSH took action to participate in the epidemic prevention and control. On January 28, BSH Home Appliance Investment (China) Co., Ltd. announced that it would donate 3 million RMB worth of Bosch's washing machines, dryers and dishwashers to hospitals in Hubei Province, Nanjing City, Wuxi City and Chuzhou City.



"For over 25 years. China has helped us, and China deserves our help, particularly at a time of this epidemic." said him. He also told us that the reason of donating these products was quite obvious. "Those products are some of the highest quality disinfecting and sterilizing appliances. And these appliances were very much needed, particularly in hospitals."



"In the short term, what is for us what has been absolutely crucial, that is to resume our operations," said Alexander Dony. "As I already mentioned. We have resumed our production capacity is already close to 90%. So we've made incredible progress in just the span of 1.5 weeks."


His confidence of investing in Jiangsu in the future has not been affected by the epidemic. "Longer term. I'm as positive as I could ever be about China's long term future," he said. "This was a blip. It's a short term blip. We're investing in additional R&D resources and additional production capacity. So we're bullish about the future of China. And we're particularly bullish about being here in Jiangsu."