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World Environment Day is a UN Environment-led global event, ______(1) takes place on June 5 every year and is celebrated by thousands of communities worldwide. Since it began in 1972, it has grown to become the ______(2) (large) of all the celebrations of environment each year. China owns half the world’s electric vehicles and 99% of the world’s electric buses. By ______(3) (host) World Environment Day 2019, the Chinese government will be able to showcase its innovation and progress toward a cleaner environment.


Why do people want to go to university? For some, it is the desire to learn. At university, you ______(4) (teach) by lecturers and professors who may be leading experts ______(5) their fields. The opportunity to learn from them is what drives some people ______(6)(apply) to university. For others, going to university provides the all-important stepping-stone for their careers. However, for the majority of ______(7)(west) people, university means freedom from home.


Billions of poor people around the world ______(8)(depend) on the use of wood for cooking. And as they take more and more firewood from wild areas, they are destroying habitats around the world. Wood collection is one reason why many animals have become endangered.

This is ______(9) Dr. Metcalf spends each summer in Africa. He wants to teach women and children in villages how to cook with the sun. He helped create Solar Cookers International. It’s an organization that introduces solar cookers to developing countries ______(10) teaches people how to use them. (2019年北京東城二模)


1. which

2. largest

3. hosting

4. will be taught

5. in

6. to apply

7. western

8. depend

9. why

10. and