useful expressions-生病篇

How's he doing?

I've been worried sick.

He's stable for now,

but he's not out of the woods yet.

How's he doing? 他怎麼樣?

What is his condition?

Is he recovering or not?

How's he doing?

useful expressions-生病篇

worried sick 擔心得要命

I was extremely worried about you.

I was anxious about the interview.

I was worried sick

about the interview.

Oh, thank heavens you are all right.

We were worried sick about you!

He’s stable 情況穩定

He’s in the hospital

but his condition is under control.

It’s not an emergency at the moment.

He’s stable for now.

It’s steady.

It’s secure.

It’s stable.

Thankfully, he has a secure job.

He has a stable job.

not out of the woods yet 脫離困境

We might still have

some difficult times.

We’re not out of the woods yet.

Our problems are over… for now.

We’re out of the woods… for now.

