



Zipho Tefu· Upvoted by Mohamad Reza 【答主】

Less infected? Yes.

Less affected? Heck no!

I’m speaking from the perspective of a South African, one of the more developed African countries which has just gone into lockdown, and let me tell you something many people from first world countries fail to understand.

Social distancing is a privilege.

Read that again.






The ability to isolate yourself from those around is a privilege many people have taken for granted. It means you have a house large enough to do so. I’m privileged enough to practice social distancing. Something that isn’t possible when you live here:


That’s the Alexandra township in Johannesburg South Africa.

Hand-washing is a privilege too.

It means you have access to running water. Do you think there are bathrooms in the shacks pictured above?

Hand-sanitizer is a privilege.

It means you have money to buy it.


It means you can afford to be at home. Many South Africans live paycheck to paycheck. Many South Africans have families to feed and no income to do so. Many South Africans will have to make the decision between starving to death at home or going outside and getting the coronavirus or worse, getting arrested.

Most of the ways to ward off the coronavirus are only accessible to the affluent.

Transport services such as taxis have been shut down. This creates a problem for those living in places such as this:










To travel to the town and stock up on basic essentials or receive medical attention.

The South African economy is crumbling fast. Much faster than the American economy which went into lockdown before us. The Rand to the Dollar is plummeting at an incredible rate. Small business owners such as my parents will have no income during this indefinite time period.

And don’t get me started on education.

All educational facilities have temporarily shut down and will soon implement online classes, including my university. This creates a problem for those without internet connection who may now fail their year. Or those who cannot afford to buy a laptop.

And as aforementioned, South Africa is one of the MOST developed African countries.

Many Africans don’t have access to or can’t afford healthcare in this time. In essence, a disease that was spread by the rich as they flew around the globe will now kill millions of the poor.

And some Americans are busy complaining about their “ruined” spring break.

I miss the homies too, but I’ll miss my grandma a lot more.

Is Africa less infected? Yes.

Is it less affected? HELL NO!



Farimah Fiddy

22h ago · 21 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

Terrific answer. An abundance of perspective.


Lex Avila

8h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

Hi Zephu. This is a lot like the Philippines. Many of my countrymen live on a hand-to-mouth existence. The government has released financial assistance to help with their survival amidst the crisis. Has the South African government done the same there? Anyway, all the best to you and your family. Keep safe.


Zipho Tefu

Original Author · 5h ago · 1 upvote

Yes, our government is also trying to take action to relieve financial stress, but unfortunately some people in very rural areas are difficult to reach out to


Shanfa Chaiyadi

9h ago · 3 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

Same issues like we have here in Indonesia. Which is why our president is still hesitant in implementing lockdown.


Alia Shahid

9h ago · 4 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

”In essence, a disease that was spread by the rich as they flew around the globe will now kill millions of the poor.”

Wow, I never thought of it that way. Thank you for putting things in perspective. Interesting share.


Hanlie Wessels

10h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

Come on. You know there's no way the people in the townships are tested. That's like, half of Gauteng. Realistically, there's no way anyone will ever know how infected South Africa was.


Dhairya Bapodra

7h ago · 1 upvote from Zipho Tefu

I guess same goes with many south Asian countries too….


Molemo Kgoele

4h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

A study in America found that atleast over 75% of the countries workers there are living paycheck to paycheck and that atleast 70–80% of Americans have some form of debts. That’s more than enough to shake their economy during a serious lockdown. Yeah I know their most of those people in that percentage aren’t exactly living in poverty, but that doesn’t mean that a lockdown won’t hurt so many who are in debt and living paycheck to paycheck.

We all know the American lockdown wasn’t really much of a lockdown like SA’s one. People were prantzing around as if nothing was wrong in America. Their beaches were still full and their people were still huddling up in most places. Thats why their coronavirus cases increased so much faster and harder than any other countries one. America’s economy will also be hurt once it’s forced to truly take coronavirus seriously.


Natale Cupiello

1h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

Hello, your answer if filled with sensible points, but it also permeated by an anger that I don't understand whom it is directed to.


Zipho Tefu

Original Author · 1h ago · 1 upvote

Not anger. Just disappointment towards those capable yet unwilling to quarantine.


Aguolu Kingsley

15h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

None of those images represent Africa, Africa is not a slump please. Theres a chance that we have less cases in Africa cause of immunity and Climate especially in Nigeria. The world should come and learn a thing or two from our performance so far


Zipho Tefu

Original Author · 5h ago · 3 upvotes

I live in a large 6 bedroom house with a perfect view of the whole of Cape Town, i am fully aware that Africa isn’t just a slump. But instead of getting offended, maybe you should realize that many Africans don’t have the same privilege as us, typing away from our laptops and smartphones. Let’s not be ignorant.

And no. Don't get arrogant, because I promise you once the disease hits those squatter camps our infections will skyrocket.


Shayne O'Neill

9h ago · 3 upvotes including Zipho Tefu

Ironically due to previous experiences with quarantining Ebola , the west African nations might do better than the more developed nations to the easy and south.
