

You push a person away repeatedly until you are sure that you are an exception, and then you push a certain one.

好多話忍著憋著後來就懶得說了 好多事失望多了後來就不在意了 就是在一次次失望過後突然就想通了.

After holding back a lot of words, I didn't bother to say many things. I was disappointed a lot, and then I didn't care. I suddenly realized it after disappointment.


When you are only a teenager, you have a 17-year-old mood, say 18-year-old love words, think about 20-year-old life, endure 30-year-old nights and drag 60-year-old bodies.

“百鬼夜行 有人混入其中樂此不疲 百人鬧市 有鬼混入其中 瑟瑟發抖 人知鬼恐怖 鬼知人心毒”

"One hundred ghosts go on a night tour, and some people get into it and enjoy it. One hundred people go downtown and fool around in it, shivering. One knows ghosts, terror, ghosts, and poison."

我假裝不懂 你也故作輕鬆 錯過 就錯過了吧

I pretended not to understand, and you also pretended to miss easily, so I missed it.


If you want to choose this, you must abandon that. This is life.
