
For over a century,I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows. Alone in the world. I shouldn't have come here. I know the risk, but I have no choice,I have to know her.

一個世紀以來,我都秘密的活著,藏匿在黑暗中,獨自一人。我本不該回來 我知道這有危險,但我沒有選擇,我必須認識她。

If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose. Otherwise you're just not worth forgiving.


You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it.


You know I been thinking,I think we should start over, Give this brother thing another chance ,We used to do it oh,so well once upon a time.


If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss。
