
Dr. Anthony Fauci says there's a way to bring back sports — with certain stipulations


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease doctor in the United States, said there’s a chance sports can come back this year but with stipulations.

美國頂級傳染病醫生安東尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)博士表示,今年有機會恢復體育運動,但要有規定。

“There’s a way of doing that,” Fauci told Snapchat’s Peter Hamby on Wednesday in one interview of a week-long series. “Nobody comes to the stadium. Put them (athletes) in big hotels, wherever you want to play. Keep them very well surveilled ... and have them tested like every week and make sure they don’t wind up infecting each other or their family and just let them play the season out.”

“有一種方法可以做到這一點,”福奇週三在接受Snapchat的彼得·漢比(Peter Hamby)採訪時表示。“沒有人來體育場。把他們(運動員)安排在大旅館裡,任何你想去的地方。好好監視他們……讓他們每週都做一次檢查,確保他們不會傳染給彼此或家人,讓他們打完這一季。”

Fauci has been leading the fight against COVID-19 and is part of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. He did a Q&A with Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry, who launched a resource guide this week based on the talk.


Would people be OK with a spectator-less sport?


The option might be sports without spectators or no sports at all. In that case, Fauci — a former basketball player — thinks the decision is easy.


“People say, ‘well you can’t play without spectators,’” Fauci said in the interview. “Well, I think you’ll probably get enough buy in from people who are dying to see a baseball game. Particularly me. I’m living in Washington — we have the world champion in the Washington Nationals. I want to see them play again.”


Minnesota Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins said games without fans would be “refreshing” and San Francisco 49ers tight end George Kittle said stadiums without Seattle or New Orleans faithful would “make my life really easy.”


Going without spectators won’t be a massive issue for leagues such as the MLB, which have lucrative TV partnerships to fall back on. It is more of a problem for the smaller sports and women’s sports in particular, where ticket sales are a key part of revenue.


MLB, NBA considers quarantined situation

MLB, NBA考慮隔離的情況

The question about bringing sports back centered around a truncated MLB season and football, both collegiate and professional, starting in the fall. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said this week he would be open to hosting the league if it did choose for an isolated season. The idea has been floated but received a lot of pushback.

關於讓體育運動迴歸的問題,主要集中在美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)縮減的一個賽季,以及從秋季開始的大學和職業橄欖球賽。亞利桑那州州長杜西(Doug Ducey)本週表示,如果美國職業棒球大聯盟選擇單獨舉辦一個賽季,他將持開放態度。這個想法曾被提出過,但遭到了很多反對。

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said Tuesday he is in no rush to start the 2020 season.


“The only real decision that we have made, the only real plan that we have is that baseball is not going to return until the public health situation has improved to the point that we’re comfortable, that we can play games in a manner that’s safe for our players, our employees, our fans, and in a way that will not impact the public health situation adversely.”


The NBA, which was suspended with a handful of games remaining for each team and a two-month postseason to play, has also bounced around the idea of an isolated conclusion.


[ Coronavirus: How the sports world is responding to the pandemic ] [冠狀病毒:體育界如何應對大流行]

The NFL is planning on playing its season as scheduled. The first sport back on the calendar might be the UFC on May 9. Then, the PGA Tour is expected to announce it will resume the 2020 season on June 11 at the Charles Schwab Challenge. Fans will not be allowed to attend, a policy that will likely continue for a few weeks of events. The LPGA is also planning to restart on June 15.

美國國家橄欖球聯盟(NFL)正計劃如期舉行本賽季的比賽。日程表上的第一項運動可能是5月9日的UFC。然後,美國職業高爾夫巡迴賽(PGA Tour)預計將於6月11日宣佈在嘉信理財挑戰賽(Charles Schwab Challenge)上恢復2020年賽季。球迷將不被允許參加,這一政策可能會持續幾周的活動。LPGA也計劃於6月15日重啟。

Jerry Jones, Mark Cuban to advise Trump


The sport world is colliding with politics amid questions of when the nation will “re-open” after quarantine and stay-at-home policies are lifted. President Donald Trump released a 14-person list Tuesday of sports related personnel enlisted to help advise him on it.


It includes Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. It also includes commissioners for the NBA, MLB, NFL, PGA Tour, LPGA, USTA, MLS and NHL as well as leaders for NASCAR, WWE and the UFC. It does not include the commissioners for the WNBA and NWSL, both of which play summer schedules and are led by women.

其中包括達拉斯牛仔隊老闆傑裡·瓊斯、新英格蘭愛國者隊老闆羅伯特·克拉夫特和達拉斯小牛隊老闆馬克·庫班。它還包括NBA、MLB、NFL、PGA Tour、LPGA、USTA、MLS和NHL的委員,以及NASCAR、WWE和UFC的領導人。它不包括WNBA和NWSL的委員,這兩支球隊都是夏季賽程,由女性擔任主席。