
——美版知乎Quora上一個名叫Dang Nguyen的小夥子的自述

So the first time I ever met my girlfriend's parents was to tell them their 17 year old daughter was going to give birth in one week.That's a pretty good punch line, yes? It's true though, so let me tell you the backstory.I was 19 at the time, she was 17.We were young, immature and SO not ready to have a baby.I wanted to play computer games and talk with friends about the meaning of life.Not change dirty diapers and actually bring a human being into this life.We were paralyzed with fear. Literally.To the point that we did nothing about it for several months.






We hid the pregnancy from everyone including our closest friends and family.It was our best, and worst kept secret.Nobody could find out or we knew it would all be over. Whatever that it was.I'm ashamed to admit that we considered abortion as an option, but it was already too late so our only alternative at that time was adoption.We called the local adoption center and met with a very kind woman who would end up helping us through the ordeal.We had several meetings over the next few weeks. We learned more about the people who would eventually be the responsible, loving parents that we were supposed to be.The day finally came for us to sign the documents.






Documents that would soon mean we would have to hand off our precious unborn son to some strangers.They would be happy parents.And we would not be parents.I remember having mixed feelings about the situation. Relief, that's for damn sure. And also a feeling of regret, even though nothing was official at that point.Before heading to the adoption center, my girlfriend had an appointment with her obstetrician.As a result of us hiding the pregnancy and not going to regular doctor visits, the baby was very small and likely to be premature. The OB was very concerned.I remember that day like yesterday.I was in the car waiting. My girlfriend came out of the doctor's office shaking and in absolute tears. This was not good.






Very concerned and even more afraid of the answer, I asked, “What happened!??”She was mini hyperventilating and unable to answer for a moment, finally she said, “The doctor told me I have to stay in the hospital until I give birth.”Silence.In one single moment, all of those months we spent scheming and lying to everyone…it all didn't matter. Our secret would be out.The decision was made for us.We ended up having to spill the beans, or in this case, spill the baby.The baby was born 3 weeks premature. This is one of the first images I have of him, at 10 days old.









And I took this picture with my son, Brenden, this morning. A now 16 year old who I love with all of my heart.


As for my high school girlfriend? The mother of my first born?Well, luckily for me, she stuck around too and gave me two more beautiful and crazy sons. I took this picture just now, for this Quora post.


