
Madi Yan, lives in Paradise

Updated Nov 29

I was born in the US, but my parents are both from China, so I could count as Chinese.

And guess what? I'm not good at a lot of things.

Here is a quick list of some things I'm not good at:


Complicated math problems

Any instrument other than piano or violin





Sprinting while swimming

Breathing underwater

Public speaking

Doing hair

Talking underwater

Holding my breath for a long time

Speaking in a language other than English or Chinese (Mandarin)

Keeping track of my glasses

Any sport other than Taekwondo or swimming

….and the list goes on…







My point here is that everyone is different. We all have things we are good at and things we are bad at.

You can’t automatically say that all Chinese people are not good at some things or are all good at another thing.

Sure, the Chinese education system might emphasize certain subjects more than other countries (for example, my parents are really good at math) but that doesn't mean all Chinese people are good at math.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.





Hannah Swartz, Registered Nurse

Answered Jun 30, 2017

Baking. When I was in China, I sometimes baked cookies or other treats for my friends. They generally loved them and often asked how to make them, but were dismayed when they found out you needed an oven for the job. Most people didn't own one.

Speaking English fluently. Please, no one get offended here. Lots of people in China speak a little English, and some speak a lot. To encounter someone fluent was very rare, though, even in Shanghai, their most international city. The languages are just too different. But the Chinese do speak English a heck of a lot better than Americans speak Chinese.




Thinking “outside the box.” Their entire language and education system revolves around memorization. It does not stress creativity. When I found myself in a situation where I needed to “think like a boy scout” and substitute an object for something other than its intended use (just an example), my friends expressed awe at my creativity. I mean, *humble face* maybe I AM creative, but they're just generally not taught to think like that from a young age. It doesn't mean they can't learn to.

Telling you you’ve gained weight without actually saying it. Yeah, no. They will just tell you :)



Samit Basu, former Unemployed

Answered Jun 26, 2017

Chinese are terrible at men’s soccer. Chinese failing at men’s soccer is legendary, and even Chinese don’t understand why Chinese men can’t play soccer.

It is not like Chinese are inherently bad at playing sports, as demonstrated by Chinese dominance in the Olympics and Chinese women’s soccer is pretty good, but Chinese men’s soccer is just plain terrible in spite of billions of dollars dumped into Chinese Super League each year.

Why is the Chinese National Soccer Team so Bad?


