百年酒館Horace and pate

Horace and pate百年酒館主題曲,保羅西蒙主唱。從2016年聽到了這首歌,至今一直沒有停下過。歌曲和電視內容基調一致,又不像電視一樣陰鬱。就像歌詞中的“I’m okay the way things are”,一切平常心對待,我沒有很難過,也沒有很快樂。人們所有的痛苦基本都是自尋煩惱,得到還是失去最後都是自討苦吃。但現實就是太多人都在匆匆向前走著,從來都不曾停下來給自己點時間去思考。


hell no

I can't complain about my problems

I'm okay the way things are

Hell no

I can't complain about my problems

I'm OK the way things are

I pull my stool up to the bar

At Horace And Pete's

Sometimes I wonder

Why do we tear ourselves to pieces?

I just need some time to think

Or maybe I just need a drink

At Horace And Pete's.

Horace And Pete