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It's rare to see a threatened species of sea mammal in shallow waters in southern Thailand but thanks to travel restrictions that have stripped popular destinations of crowds of tourists, a large group of dugongs has made their presence known.
—— rare 形容詞 [rair][reə] adj. 罕見的;珍貴的;煎得嫩的
—— threatened 原型:threaten 過去分詞做形容詞 ['thret-n]['θretn] v. 威脅;恐嚇;似將發生
—— species 名詞 ['spee-sheez, -seez]['spiːʃiːz] n. 種類;(單復同)物種

—— mammal 名詞 ['mam-uh l]['mæml] n. 哺乳動物
—— shallow 形容詞 ['shal-oh]['ʃæləʊ] adj. 淺的;薄的 n. 淺灘;淺處 v. 變淺
—— restrictions 原型:restriction 名詞複數形式 [ri-'strik-shuhn][rɪ'strɪkʃn] n. 限制;約束
—— stripped 原型:strip 動詞過去分詞 [strip][strɪp] v. 剝去;剝奪;脫衣;除去 n. 脫衣舞;長條;條狀
—— destinations 原型:destination 名詞複數形式 [des-tuh-'ney-shuh n][ˌdestɪ'neɪʃn] n. 目的地;終點
—— crowds 原型:crowd 名詞複數形式 [kroud][kraʊd] n. 人群;群眾;大群;朋友 v. 擁擠;擠滿;湧入;貼近;逼迫
—— tourists 原型:tourist 名詞複數形式 ['too r-ist]['tʊərɪst] n. 旅遊者;二等艙 adj. 觀光的;乘坐二等艙的
—— dugong 名詞 ['doo-gong, -gawng]['duːɡɒŋ] n. [動]懦艮
—— presence 名詞 ['prez-uhns]['prezns] n. 出席;存在;到場;—— 存在度
—— Thailand ['tahy-land, -luh nd]['taɪlænd] n. 泰國

Drone video footage released by the Department of National Parks shows a 30-strong herd of dugongs on Wednesday off Libong island in Trang province.
—— Drone 原型:drone 形容詞 [drohn][drəʊn] n. 雄蜂;遊手好閒者;無人駕駛飛機 n. 嗡嗡聲;單調的聲音 vi. 嗡嗡叫;混日子 vt. 單調低沉地說
—— footage 名詞 ['foo t-ij]['fʊtɪdʒ] n. —— 以尺計算長度;尺數;連續鏡頭
—— released 原型:release 動詞過去式 [ri-'lees][rɪ'liːs] n. 釋放;讓渡;發行 vt. 釋放;讓與;准予發表;發射
—— herd 名詞 [hurd][hɜːd] n. 獸群;牧人;群 vt. 放牧;群集;使 ... 成群,把…趕到一起 vi. 聚在一起
—— island 名詞 ['ahy-luh nd]['aɪlənd] n. 島;島嶼;島狀物

—— province 名詞 ['prov-ins]['prɒvɪns] n. 省
—— Department of National Parks 國家公園管理部(局)
—— Libong island 立邦島
—— Trang n. 董裡(在泰國;東經 99º18' 北緯 7º30')

They were feeding on sea grass and occasionally surfaced to breathe.
—— feeding 原型:feed 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [feed][fiːd] vt. 餵養;飼養;靠 ... 為生;向 ... 提供 vi. 吃飼料;進餐 n. 一餐;飼料;飼養
—— occasionally 副詞 [uh-'key-zhuh-nl-ee][ə'keɪʒnəli] adv. 偶爾地
—— surfaced 原型:surface 動詞過去式 ['sur-fis]['sɜːfɪs] n. 表面;外表;平面 adj. 表面的;膚淺的 vt. 在 ... 上加表層;使 ... 成平面 vi. 浮到水面;顯露;在表面工作
—— breathe 動詞原形 [breeth][briːð] vi. 呼吸 vt. 輕聲說;流露(自信等感情);注入

Naturalists report other marine animals are also taking advantage of the tourism slump that is leaving coastal regions tranquil and undisturbed.
—— marine 形容詞 [muh-'reen][mə'riːn] adj. 海的;海事的;海生的;航海的 n. 海運業;船舶;水兵
—— advantage 名詞 [ad-'van-tij, -'vahn-][əd'vɑːntɪdʒ] n. 優勢;有利條件 vt. 有利於
—— tourism 名詞 ['too r-iz-uh m]['tʊərɪzəm] n. 旅遊業;觀光
—— slump 名詞 [sluhmp][slʌmp] v. 大幅度下跌;猛然癱坐;使倒下 n. 暴跌;低潮狀態;(土地)下沉
—— coastal 形容詞 ['kohs-tl]['kəʊstl] adj. 沿海的;海岸的;沿岸的

—— regions 原型:region 名詞複數形式 ['ree-juhn]['riːdʒən] n. 地區;範圍;領域;地帶;地域
—— tranquil 形容詞 ['trang-kwil]['træŋkwɪl] adj. 安靜的;寧靜的;穩定的;不變的
—— undisturbed 形容詞 [dih-'sturbd][ˌʌndɪ'stɜːbd] adj. 未受干擾的;安靜的;鎮定的

Human intrusion and marine pollution have made dugong sightings in southern Thailand rare in recent years.
—— intrusion 名詞 [in-'troo-zhuh n][ɪn'truːʒn] n. 闖入;侵擾
—— pollution 名詞 [puh-'loo-shuh n][pə'luːʃn] n. 汙染;汙染物
—— sightings 原型:sighting 名詞複數形式 [sahyt]['saɪtɪŋ] n. 看見 動詞sight的現在分詞形式.
—— recent 形容詞 ['ree-suhnt]['riːsnt] adj. 近來的;新近的

"It's quite unusual," marine scientist Thon Thamrongnawasawat told The Associated Press on Thursday when asked about the dugongs.
—— unusual 形容詞 [uhn-'yoo-zhoo-uhl, -'yoozh-wuhl][ʌn'juːʒuəl] adj. 異常的;獨特的;與眾不同的
—— Thon Thamrongnawasawat 人名
—— The Associated Press 美聯社(新聞機構)

"This species of mammal is very sensitive to speed boats and people.
—— species 名詞複數形式 ['spee-sheez, -seez]['spiːʃiːz] n. 種類;(單復同)物種
—— sensitive 形容詞 ['sen-si-tiv]['sensətɪv] adj. 靈敏的;敏感的;感光的;易受傷害的;善解人意的 n. 敏感的人

When they are gone, they feel free to gather in a large group and come close to shore."
—— gather 動詞原形 ['gath-er]['ɡæðə] v. 聚集;集合;收集;推測 n. 聚集;褶子
—— shore 名詞 [shawr, shohr][ʃɔː] n. 岸;濱

Dugongs - closely related to the manatee or sea cow - are officially classified as vulnerable.
—— related to 與…有關;例句:Yes, the ads are related to what you are looking at, but that can make them more useful. 是的,顯示的廣告是和你正在看的內容相關,正是因為這樣廣告才更有用。
—— closely 副詞 [verb klohz; adjective, adverb klohs or for 51, klohz; noun klohz for 59, 60, 63–65, 67, 68, klohs for 61, 62, 66]['kləʊsli] adv. 緊密地;接近地;嚴密地;親近地
—— related 原型:relate 動詞過去分詞 [ri-'leyt][rɪ'leɪt] v. 敘述;使有聯繫;有關聯;涉及;符合;發生共鳴
—— manatee 名詞 ['man-uh-tee, man-uh-'tee]['mænətiː] n. 海牛
—— cow 名詞 [kou][kaʊ] n. 母牛;雌象;雌鯨;雌犀牛
—— officially 副詞 [uh-'fish-uh l][ə'fɪʃəli] adv. 官方地;正式地;公務上;職務上
—— classified 原型:classify 動詞過去分詞 ['klas-uh-fahy]['klæsɪfaɪ] vt. 分類;歸類
—— vulnerable 形容詞 ['vuhl-ner-uh-buhl]['vʌlnərəbl] adj. 易受傷害的;有弱點的;脆弱的

They can grow up to 3.4 meters (11 feet) in length.

—— up to ... 是多意短語,可能的意思主要有:“一直到”,“多達.../最多到”,“忙於…”,“正在做…”,“由…決定”等;當然如果前面是get等與up固定搭配的詞,up是它的基本意思(向上的);例句:She can count up to one hundred and backward. 她能數到一百然後再倒著數回來。Our history textbooks only go up to the World War Ⅱ. 我們的歷史教科書僅寫到第二次世界大戰。The figures add up to 450. 這些數字加起來的總數是450。
—— meters 原型:meter 名詞複數形式 ['mee-ter]['miːtə] n. 公尺;米 n. 計量器;計時器 vt. (用儀表)測量
—— feet 原型:foot 名詞複數形式 [foo t][fʊt] n. 腳;英尺;最底部;音步 v. 表演舞步;步行
—— length 名詞 [lengkth, length, lenth][leŋθ] n. 長度;時間長短;距離;一段;距離的測量單位

Thailand's population is put at around 250.
—— Thailand 原型:thailand 名詞 ['tahy-land, -luh nd]['taɪlænd] n. 泰國
—— population 名詞 [pop-yuh-'ley-shuh n][ˌpɒpju'leɪʃn] n. 人口;(全體)居民;群體

Last year a record number of dead dugongs were found in Thai waters.
—— record 名詞 [verb ri-'kawrd; noun, adjective 'rek-erd]['rekɔːd] n. 這裡是紀錄的意思
—— dead 形容詞 [ded][ded] adj. 死的
—— Thai [tahy][taɪ] n. 泰國人;泰國語 adj. 泰國(人)的

Their fate captured attention last June after images circulated of Thai veterinarians cuddling an ailing baby dugong and hand-feeding her with milk and sea grass.
—— hand-feeding ['hand-'feed]['hændf'iːdɪŋ] 人工飼養; 人工加料。這是名詞+動名詞組成的複合形容詞,複合形容詞一般用作前置定語,修飾後面的名詞性內容;例句:It was a heart-breaking presentation. 陳述令人心碎。
—— fate 名詞 [feyt][feɪt] n. 命運;宿命
—— captured 原型:capture 動詞過去分詞 ['kap-cher]['kæptʃə] vt. 捕獲;佔領;奪取;吸引;(用照片等)留存 n. 捕獲;戰利品
—— attention 名詞 [noun uh-'ten-shuhn; interjection uh-ten-'shuhn][ə'tenʃn] n. 注意;注意力;照料;留心;關懷;(口令)立正
—— images 原型:image 名詞複數形式 ['im-ij]['ɪmɪdʒ] n. 印象;形象;影像;圖像;肖像 vt. 反映;想像;描繪
—— circulated 原型:circulate 動詞過去式 ['sur-kyuh-leyt]['sɜːkjəleɪt] vi. 流通;循環;傳播 vt. 使流通,使環流
—— veterinarians 原型:veterinarian 名詞複數形式 [vet-er-uh-'nair-ee-uh n, ve-truh-][ˌvetərɪ'neəriən] n. 獸醫
—— cuddling 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 ['kuhd-l]['kʌdl] vt. 懷抱;擁抱 vi. 擁抱;依偎 n. 摟抱;擁抱
—— ailing 原型:ail 現在分詞做形容詞 [eyl][eɪl] v. 使 ... 苦惱;苦惱;生病 n. 小病


It's rare to see a threatened species of sea mammal in shallow waters in southern Thailand but thanks to travel restrictions that have stripped popular destinations of crowds of tourists, a large group of dugongs has made their presence known.
—— 在泰國南部的淺水區很少能看到一種受到威脅的海洋哺乳動物,但由於旅遊限制,許多遊客的熱門目的地被剝奪,一大群儒艮已經讓人們知道了它們的存在。

Drone video footage released by the Department of National Parks shows a 30-strong herd of dugongs on Wednesday off Libong island in Trang province.
—— 國家公園管理局公佈的無人機視頻畫面顯示,星期三,在董里府利邦島附近有30多隻儒艮。

They were feeding on sea grass and occasionally surfaced to breathe.
—— 它們以海草為食,偶爾浮出水面呼吸。

Naturalists report other marine animals are also taking advantage of the tourism slump that is leaving coastal regions tranquil and undisturbed.
—— 博物學家報告說,其他海洋動物也在利用旅遊業的衰退,這使得沿海地區平靜和不受干擾。

Human intrusion and marine pollution have made dugong sightings in southern Thailand rare in recent years.
—— 近年來,人類入侵和海洋汙染使得在泰國南部看到儒艮的情況非常罕見。

"It's quite unusual," marine scientist Thon Thamrongnawasawat told The Associated Press on Thursday when asked about the dugongs.
—— “這很不尋常,”海洋科學家Thon Thamrongnawasawat週四在被問及儒艮時對美聯社說。

"This species of mammal is very sensitive to speed boats and people.
—— “這種哺乳動物對快艇和人非常敏感。

When they are gone, they feel free to gather in a large group and come close to shore."
—— 他們走了以後,可以自由地聚在一大群人中,向岸邊靠近。”

Dugongs - closely related to the manatee or sea cow - are officially classified as vulnerable.
—— 儒艮——與海牛或海牛關係密切——被官方列為易受攻擊的物種。

They can grow up to 3.4 meters (11 feet) in length.
—— 它們可以長到3.4米(11英尺)長。

Thailand's population is put at around 250.
—— 泰國儒艮的數量約為250只。

Last year a record number of dead dugongs were found in Thai waters.
—— 去年在泰國水域發現了創紀錄數量的死亡儒艮。

Their fate captured attention last June after images circulated of Thai veterinarians cuddling an ailing baby dugong and hand-feeding her with milk and sea grass.
—— 去年6月,泰國獸醫抱著生病的儒艮寶寶,親手喂她牛奶和海草的畫面傳開後,他們的命運引起了人們的關注。