

Meteorite, also known as "the comet", is an unburned stone, iron or stone-iron mixture that is scattered from the surface of the Earth's orbiting or other debris. . Most of the meteorites come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and a small part comes from the moon and Mars. Vermiculite can be roughly divided into stone vermiculite, iron vermiculite, and stone iron mixed vermiculite



The surface of the stone iron meteorite is wrapped with an oxide layer, called a molten shell; many large and small round pits distributed on the surface are called air marks; in addition, there are grooves of various shapes, called melting grooves, and there is a very striking melt. Streamlines; these are formed by their intense friction and combustion with the atmosphere during their fall. Observing the stone iron meteorite under a high magnification, there are obvious crystalline particles. Stone iron meteorite contains a wealth of information about the formation and evolution of solar system objects. Experimental analysis of them will help to explore the mysteries of the solar system. By measuring the isotopic content of various elements in the meteorite, the age of the meteorite can be deduced to study various information about the period when the solar system began to form. In addition, the stone-iron meteorite can carry the original information of asteroids, planets, large satellites, or comets, so it is of great scientific value.



This group of siderite meteorites is a treasure collected by Mr yin. the siderite meteorite looks like iron but not iron, and looks like stone but not stone. its color is natural and unique. The overall trace of sulfur burning is clearly visible. The outer surface is covered with a black oxide layer, called molten shell. Many large and small melting pits distributed on the surface are called gas marks. These are all due to their violent friction and combustion with the atmosphere during the falling process. It not only has the rarity of ordinary high-end collections, but also its scientific exploration value is the unique connotation of meteorites, which determines the profound intrinsic value discovery and infinite charm of meteorite collections. In the long run, it is far beyond the ordinary collectibles.
