An overview of the doctrine of the mean

An overview of the doctrine of the mean

The doctrine of the mean, written by Confucius' grandson si, is used to discuss the doctrine of the mean, the core of Confucianism. The doctrine of the mean says, "a gentleman's doctrine of the mean is the same as a gentleman's moderation in time." The meaning of the Confucian doctrine of the mean is not mediocre, but moderate, without fault and without exception. The book of three characters discusses the doctrine of the mean as: "the doctrine of the mean is not easy if the doctrine of the mean is not biased." Cheng yi said: "if you are not partial, you are middle; if you are not easy, you are mean. The middle, the world of the right way, the mediocre, the world of the theorem." Medium means moderate, not easy means unchangeable. That is, moderation is the insistence on moderation and impartiality.

There are three main principles of the mean. The doctrine of the mean says, "a gentleman should beware what he does not see and what he does not hear. Do not see the hidden, do not show the micro, so the gentleman is careful to its own." It means that a virtuous person is cautious when he is alone. The second is loyalty and forgiveness, how to treat others. The doctrine of the mean says, "it is not far to be faithful and forgiving. If you do not want to do so, do not do it to others." It means don't impose things on others that you don't want to do. The third is absolute sincerity, is the perfect state of the mean, is for the whole. "The doctrine of the mean" says: "only the world sincere, in order to make the best of its nature; If we can make the best of ourselves, we can make the best of ourselves. If we can make the best of man, we can make the best of things. Can do the nature of things, can praise heaven and earth of chemical education; Can praise heaven and earth's chemical education, can participate with heaven and earth." The most sincere man gives full play to his own nature, and thereby to the nature of all and of all, so that the whole flourishes.

Middle also discusses the way of learning, that is, the learned, the interrogation, care, discernment, Benedict line including the specification of Confucian life like five of the tao and three of five amounted to about mainly using the middle way to adjust this father and son a couple brothers and friends exchanges the five relationships and deal with the interpersonal relationship, want to rely on three moralities,Three dadde is wisdom, benevolence, courage, wisdom, benevolence and courage is the universal moral character, is used to regulate the relationship between father and son, husband and wife brothers and friends, and to cultivate people's wisdom, benevolence and courage depends on the moral consciousness of honesty and goodness.Line of up to five, so the three yue: this also, father and son also, the couple also, elder brother younger brother, also friends of five, da dao also know ren yong three of the world, the world of da DE also, so does a also or inborn, or to learn and know, or trapped and know, and know it, a line or Ann, also or trapped, or narrowly, and its success, and a also Confucius said: studious almost know, acting almost benevolence, shame-awareness near yong know all three, know so cultivate one's morality;Know therefore cultivate one's morality, then know therefore govern people;To govern the world is to govern the country by virtue of the doctrine of the mean.

The highest state of accomplishment pursued by the doctrine of the mean is sincerity or called to virtue, "honesty is the end of things; No sincerity, nothing." The theme of the doctrine of the mean is to educate people to consciously self-cultivate, self-supervise, self-educate and improve themselves, to cultivate themselves into ideal characters with ideal personality, to achieve the perfection of goodness, benevolence, sincerity, tao, virtue, holiness, and the harmony of the external and internal tao, to reach the realm of "equanimity with heaven and earth".