
1.我國口罩產能產量破億 Daily mask output exceeds 110M

China is working hard to boost the production of masks, and the output has been growing rapidly, according to the country's top economic regulator. China's daily production capability of masks was well over 110 million units as of Saturday, effectively closing the gap between supply and demand amid the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said on Monday.


According to NDRC, Saturday's output of masks reached 116 million, which was 12 times the number on Feb 1. China is able to serve front-line medical workers' demand for urgently needed N95 medical masks, as 1.66 million N95 medical masks were produced per day in the country, and the daily production capacity reached 1.96 million units, the commission said.



front-line 英 /'frʌnt'lain/ 美 /'frʌnt'lain/ adj. 前線的;第一線的

2.各地幫貧困學生上網課 Provinces support e-learning

Many provinces are introducing concrete measures to help poverty-stricken students attend online courses while making great efforts to fight the epidemic.


In Guangdong province, the Guangdong Provincial Education Foundation has purchased more than 9,000 tablet computers for junior and senior high school students to attend online courses.


Students without mobile phones or TVs should go to village committee offices or activity rooms of the Communist Party of China to attend the courses, said the local authorities in Henan province.


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology encouraged telecom operators to implement preferential measures for impoverished students to ease their pressure of internet charges.



1、concrete 英 /ˈkɒŋkriːt/ 美 /ˈkɑːnkriːt/ n. 具體物;凝結物 adj. 混凝土的;實在的,具體的;有形的; vt. 使凝固;用混凝土修築 vi. 凝結

3.Arctic may see 'ice-free' summers 研究:北極將迎'無冰'夏季

A study suggests that the Arctic "may be essentially ice-free during summer within 15 years."


The study used statistical models to predict the future amount of Arctic ice, which suggested that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer during the decade of the 2030s – most likely in the year 2034.


Sea ice is frozen ocean water that melts each summer, then refreezes each winter. The amount of summer sea ice in the Arctic has been steadily shrinking over the past few decades because of global warming.


It reached its second-smallest level on record in 2019, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. What scientists refer to as the first "ice-free" Arctic summer year will occur when the Arctic has less than 1 million square kilometers of sea ice.



1、essentially 英 /ɪˈsenʃəli/ 美 /ɪˈsenʃəli/ adv. 本質上;本來

2、predict 英 /prɪˈdɪkt/ 美 /prɪˈdɪkt/ v. 預言,預知,預卜;做預報;斷言

3、shrink 英 /ʃrɪŋk/ 美 /ʃrɪŋk/ v. (使)縮小,(使)收縮;(尤指因恐懼而)退縮,畏縮,迴避;(衣服、布料)縮水; n. 收縮;畏縮;(非正式)精神病醫生,精神病學家,心理學家

4..Carriers restart flights 國內航司逐步恢復航班

Chinese carriers have started resuming some of their domestic and international services that were suspended due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. "Our services have been growing steadily since Feb 21. We expect more than half of the suspended flights to be operational by the middle of this month," said Zhang Wu'an, spokesperson of budget carrier Spring Airlines.


China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Air China are also restoring their domestic and international flights. Industry experts said the novel coronavirus outbreak dealt a great blow to the aviation sector, but the market will see a strong rebound after the country brings the epidemic under control.



1、suspended 英 /sə'spendid/ 美 /sə'spendid/ ; adj. 懸浮的;暫停的,緩期的(宣判)

2、restore 英 /rɪˈstɔː(r)/ 美 /rɪˈstɔːr/ vi. 恢復;還原; vt. 恢復;修復;歸還

3、rebound 英 /rɪˈbaʊnd/ 美 /rɪˈbaʊnd/; v. (球或其他運動物體)彈回,反彈;(價格、價值等下跌後)回升,反彈;搶(籃板球);(事件,局勢)產生事與願違的結果;

n. (因挫折,危機,失戀)處於情緒波動的狀態;(價格等)回升,反彈;(球)在回彈中;(尤指停藥後病情的)復發

v. 重新裝訂(rebind 的過去式和過去分詞)