




英特諾集團市場部與文化部高級副總裁Jens Karolyi表示:“我們的客戶和合作夥伴信賴英特諾的質量、速度和簡潔性,英特諾也始終如一地在數字化領域兌現這一承諾。通過進一步拓展虛擬互動渠道,用戶現在可以更方便地獲取我們的知識與經驗,並與我們進行專業的交流。”


Interroll intensifies exchange of expertise with digital channels

Sant'Antonino, Switzerland. April 21, 2020. Exchange of information and experience at the click of a mouse: Interroll is expanding and deepening interactive contact with its customers with new online services. From now on, training events for customers can be easily booked and conducted via the Internet, meetings with experts can be organized, and short videos on important industry topics can be accessed.

An important cornerstone of the new offering is the Interroll Academy, which for many years has been the driving force behind the transfer of knowledge between employees, customers and partners. The integrated learning programs offered by the Group-wide training and collaboration center ensure a seamless combination of different learning methods, techniques and materials. In this way, what has been learned can be optimally deepened and applied. The Interroll Academy cooperates with leading organizations such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics in Dortmund, Germany, and Krauthammer.

With the new e-learning offering by the Interroll Academy, users can access online training content from anywhere at any time. One example of the range of programs on offer is the user training course on the Interroll Layout designer, the popular planning software for the user-friendly design of complete material flow solutions.

Another possibility for a fast, targeted and worldwide exchange of know-how is the online booking of personal expert discussions, for example on technical or industry-specific issues. In addition, informative short videos—educational clips—provide interested parties with a quick introduction to topics that affect important industries such as the food or fashion industry.

"Our customers and partners rely on quality, speed and simplicity from Interroll. We consistently deliver on this promise in the digital world as well. By further expanding our channels for virtual interaction, they can now access our expertise even more easily and enter into a professional exchange with us," explains Jens Karolyi, Senior Vice President Corporate Marketing & Culture of the Interroll Group.