英語原版閱讀:Our Good Neighbours



這篇閱讀文章的題目是Our Good Neighbours.


1.Mr. and Mrs. Robinson live in a small house in a small town in England.


<code>Mr. and Mrs. Robinson 魯賓遜夫婦
live in a small house 住在一所小房子裡/<code>

2.They are very lucky because their neighbours are very friendly and helpful.


<code>are very lucky 非常幸運
are very friendly and helpful 非常友好和樂於助人/<code>

3.Every year when they go on vacation, their neighbours keep an eye their house to make sure it is safe.


<code>go on vacation 去度假
keep an eye their house 照看他們的房子
make sure 確保/<code>

4.They also water the plants, grass and pick up their post.


<code>water the plants 澆灌植物
pick up their post 拿信/<code>

5.Mrs Robinson wants to repay them by doing something nice for her neighbours.


<code>repay them 報答他們/<code>

6.She has decided to invite them to her house for dinner on Saturday, which would be a good chance to get to know them better.


<code>decided to 決定
invite them to her house for dinner 邀請他們到她家吃晚飯

a good chance to get to know them better 一個更好地瞭解他們的好機會/<code>

7.She plans to serve roast beef, baked potatoes, asparagus, and a green salad.


<code>roast beef 烤牛肉
baked potatoes 烤土豆
a green salad 一份蔬菜沙拉/<code>

8.For dessert, she will bake a pecan pie.


<code>dessert 甜點
a pecan pie 山核桃派/<code>

9.After dinner, Mr. Robinson will play a few songs on his new guitar.


<code>After dinner 晚飯後
a few songs 幾首歌
play a few songs on his new guitar 用他的新吉他彈幾首歌/<code>


Mr. and Mrs. Robinson live in a small house in a small town in England. They are very lucky because their neighbours are very friendly and helpful. Every year when they go on vacation, their neighbours keep an eye their house to make sure it is safe. They also water the plants, grass and pick up their post. Mrs Robinson wants to repay them by doing something nice for her neighbours. She has decided to invite them to her house for dinner on Saturday, which would be a good chance to get to know them better. She plans to serve roast beef, baked potatoes, asparagus, and a green salad. For dessert, she will bake a pecan pie. After dinner, Mr. Robinson will play a few songs on his new guitar.


Answer the following sentences in full sentences.

1. Why are the Robinson family lucky?


2. How do their neighbours help them?


3. How will the Robinson family reward their neighbours?


4. What will she cook for them?


5. Who will entertain them after dinner?


1.They are very lucky because their neighbours are very friendly and helpful.
2.Their neighbours keep an eye their house when they go on vacation. They also water the plants, grass and pick up their post.
3.They decided to invite them to her house for dinner on Saturday.
4.She will cook roast beef, baked potatoes, asparagus, and a green salad. For dessert, she will bake a pecan pie.
5. Mr. Robinson will entertain them after dinner./<code>


Discussion: What would you make for your guests for dinner?

