

一句話瑜伽,第336期Meaghan:我不是一個經常(讓自己)沉默(安靜)的人,但我應該這樣。I don't do silence very often.I should.

老實說,這對我來說既可怕又嚇人。But honestly it's scary and intimidating to me.

有一回,我迎接了無聲的沉默。There was a time where I welcomed silence.

我知道我必須去允許它,為了找到解決混亂的方法。I knew I had to allow it in in order to find my way through the mess.

在某種程度上,我確實找到了出路。I did,Somewhat,Find my way through.

但後來,這種沉默與悲傷、壓力和憂鬱勾結在了一起,我不得不結束它。But then the silence became affiliated with sadness and pushing and melancholy,And I had to put an end to it.

不過,時間已經過去了,我長大了,痊癒了。Time has passed now though and I've grown and healed.

也許是時候去迎接沉默歸來。Maybe it's time to welcome silence back in.

也許現在是時候去看看沉默意味著什麼。Maybe it's time to see what silence can mean now.

BY 福安市遠航教育、小魚兒