考研英 語 口 語 攻 略

英 語 口 語 攻 略

一 鄉愁四韻

1 那山那人那狗

Could you give me a brief introduction about your hometown?


My hometown is Beijing. As the capital of China, it is a city with a long history. There are

lots of places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and the Summer Palace

and so on. Since it lies in the north of China, the winter here is long and it snows sometimes.

Autumn is the best season in Beijing, for it is neither too cold nor too hot. One of the most

famous traditional foods is Beijing Roast Duck. The 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing.

By hosting the Olympics, we got the chance to let the world know more about China. So, I

really take proud of my hometown and I think its future to come will be even better.


My hometown is Quanzhou. The city stands on the west bank of the Taiwan Strait. It is a

beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten

years. New factories,houses,roads and bridges have been built. More schools and hospitals

are available for its people. However, there are still some problems,such as water,air and

noise pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion, Quanzhou should develop its

economy scientifically and the growth of its housing construction shoul d be brought under



(1) 如果你出身名城

My hometown is 紐捏,華盛燉,it is a city which is well known for its...(歷史悠久啦

long history,文化深厚啦 cultural heritage,商貿發達啦 business prosperity,——總之,


If——long history: 說幾個名樓古剎的,應用句型:There be——There are lots of places of

interest, such as...

If——cultural heritage:說幾個聖賢名士,文化傳統的,應用句型:

So many eminent souls/celebrities in history once lived here, such as...

The people there share in common the same customs and rituals, which distinguishes itself

from its neighboring cities.

If——business prosperity:說點高樓林立,土豪扎堆,應用句型:


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It bristles with skyscrapers and business buildings.

(2) 如果你出身未來的名城

My hometown is 阿富莊...伊拉鎮...it is a city(不是城市也拜託你說城市好吧)which

is located in 哪個省. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. (在

中國,未來的名城都可以用這句話)The people there are friendly and hospitable(雖然


得積攢人品很重要)and you can feel this no more than you visit there in person.


(1) about hometown (介紹你的家鄉)

I am from **** a beautiful city in the****(寫個方位)part of *** province. (如果是省會可以

加上: it is also the capital city of **** province.) It is famous for**** (特產或是旅遊項

目). Every winter numerous visitors are attracted by its(特產或景物).

The city lies in the ****(方位)part of China and the climate there is very suitable for living.

Thanks to the government’s effort to protect the environment, our city is becoming more and

more beautiful and attracts the people all around the world. Last five years has witnessed the

rapid economic development of my home town due to the Opening Policy. I believe my

hometown will definitely be prosperous in the future. After my graduation I will return to my

hometown and make my due contribution to its development.

2 那幾口子

I have a happy family. In my family, there are three members: father, mother, and I.(你家人多


family is just like a hand, and each of us like a finger. Just as the relationship between fingers

and hand, we three members live together and can not be separated. I will introduce my family

to you.

My father

My father works in a private high school and he is the vice-headmaster of that school. My

father is a diligent man. He likes reading and writing. No matter how busy he is, he must read

something useful in his spare time. He often says that as a teacher he must read as much as he

can. He does what he says. He gives me a good example with his action.

My mother

My mother is a hardworking housewife. She is a kind, gentle and diligent woman. She cooks

and washes for us day after day. However, in my mind, she is the greatest woman in this

world. Now I study away from my home, and I always miss her very much. I miss her cooking,

I miss her speaking too much, and, of course, I also miss our quarrelling.




I am a college student. Next year, I will graduate. I dream much for my future. In the future,

first I will be a teacher. But maybe I will try other kinds of jobs, such as freelance, editor and

so on. However, no matter what is my hobby, I will be on my own stage; no matter which

stage I am on, I will dance wonderfully.


(1)介紹家庭成員時,通常可按照職業 vocation,性格 personality,業餘愛好 hobby


My mother/father is a +職業/works in +工作地點,he/she is +積極品質態度詞彙(見下

文總結), in her/his spare time, he would+業餘愛好


aggressive: 有進取心的 analytical: 善於分析的

aspiring: 有志氣的,有抱負的 candid: 正直的

competent: 能勝任的 conscientious:認真的

dedicated: 有奉獻精神的 devoted:有奉獻精神的,投入的

dutiful:盡職的 dynamic:精悍的

humble:恭敬的 impartial:公正的

industrious:勤奮的 ingenious:有獨創性的

initiative:首創精神 logical:條理分明的

motivated:目的明確的 original:有獨創性的

persevering:不屈不撓的 punctual:嚴守時刻的

purposeful:意志堅強的 qualified:合格的







strong-willed:意志堅強的 sweet-tempered:性情溫和的



二 我就是我,是顏色不一樣的煙火

1 性格,優缺點

(1) 自我褒揚短語句型推薦

Mature, dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能幹、為人誠實。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility 個性穩重、具高度責任感。

Bright and aggressive 反應快、有進取心。

Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills 思想成熟、上進心強,並具極豐富的



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Energetic, and fashionable 精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude 開朗成熟。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality 上進心


Positive with bright mind 頭腦積極、靈活。

Elegant and with nice personality 舉止優雅、性格好。

Active, creative and innovative 思想活躍、有首創和革新精神。

Strong determination to succeed 有獲得成功的堅定決心。

Young, bright, energetic with strong career ambition 年輕、聰明、精力充沛,並有很強的事


(2) 自我性格描述詞彙推薦:

outgoing 外向的

active 主動的

sociable 善交際的

affectionate 熱情的

easygoing 容易相處的

optimistic 樂觀的

venturesome 膽大、好冒險的

changeable 可改變的

untraditional 顛覆傳統的

imaginative 富想象力的

experimenting 樂於嘗試的

original 具獨創性的self\u0002

sufficient 自立的even\u0002

tempered 心情平穩的

unemotional 不情緒化的

placid/peaceful 平靜溫和的

stable 穩定的

calm 沉著冷靜的tough\u0002

minded 意志堅強的

reliable 可靠的

persevering 堅韌的

scrupulous 細心的

self-disciplined 自我嚴格要求的



controlled 自律、自制的

punctual 守時的

careful 小心謹慎的

hardworking 努力的

sober 嚴謹、沉著的

conscientious 盡責的

(3) 有必要陳述的方面:自己的弱點(Weaknesses),這樣可以顯得你很客觀(objective)





我有時對自己要求過於嚴格。(I tend to drive myself too hard.)

我對別人的能力期望過高。(I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.)

我喜歡速戰速決。(I like to see a job done quickly.)


(1) What is your greatest strength? (你最突出的優點是什麼?)

As for my strongest strength, I think it is my conscientiousness in work and learning, which

promotes me unceasingly and devote myself to my work and do a good job. I think it is

helpful for my future work.

2 除了睡覺,刀塔,泡妹子,你的興趣愛好是?

(1) 可用於回答的句型:

My hobby is……/I have lots of hobbies, such as...


I'm interested in...My favorite is...I enjoy doing...I am fond of...

(2) 興趣愛好列表

football 美式足球 soccer 英式足球 tennis 網球


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volleyball 排球 table tennis 乒乓球 badminton 羽毛球

bowling 保齡球 fishing 釣魚 surfing 衝浪 rowing 划船

skating 溜冰 swimming 游泳 horseback riding 騎馬

hiking 徒步 climbing 爬山 cooking 烹飪 gardening 園藝

reading 閱讀 blogging/writing 寫博客/寫作 DIY/Design 手工/設計

singing 唱歌 dancing 舞蹈 videogames打遊戲(這個你是真喜歡,不過你可以真不說)

3 要真鈔,更要貞操

(1) Money and Happiness: How tight the bond?



Money will buy food, but not an appetite; a house, but not a home; luxuries, but not culture;

amusements, but not happiness. It is good to have money to buy what it can, but it is better not

to lose what it cannot. Therefore, if you hunt for happiness, don’t pin your hopes on the next

big pay raise; look at your money with a different eye instead.

(2) Is it worth going to college?

I believe it is worth going to college.(既然你 believe 了,就說的 geilieve 一點)

Firstly, the booming society is booming knowledge upgrading, so learning should be a

never-ending process of one’s life. In this case, there is no other place than a college or

university where a real learning environment can be provided. Both knowledge and capability,

in this period, could be gradually built up and enhanced. Secondly, college life is an essential

transitional phase. College students could just be considered as an adult physiologically, rather

than mentally. College or university helps forge human character and moralities, and cultivate

one’s social responsibility, which would be supposed as one of the greatest wealth in one’s


4 我的未來不是夢

(1) Employment or Further Education?

(必須 further education好吧,不然考官會微笑的問你:你跑這兒逗逼來了是吧?)



I think in the 21st century, having more knowledge means more chances to succeeded in the

future, so going on with the education is absolutely a good choice.

Firstly, further education is beneficial for you if you want to become an expert in a certain

field. That’s why a great number of university graduates choose to have their further education

in home country or abroad, no matter how hard it will be, because it brings a distinct life after

several more years of study, which will bring a deeper and professional understanding of what

one has dedicated to.

Secondly, campus life is always a sweet part in one’s life, and being a college student is an

experience we will treasure forever. By studying with people of totally different ways of

thinking, we will definitely fresh our mind and broaden our horizon. What’s more, staying on

the campus as a student for more time will provide a preparatory stage before stepping into the

complicated society.


(1) why you pursue a further study as a postgraduate(為什麼考研)

話題分解:二 1、3、4

Firstly, I have a profound love in my major, ***, which is very practical and useful. Through

four years’study in university I find the knowledge I have mastered is not enough to solve

some specific problems though I have satisfactory marks in all the subjects. So I decide to take

the postgraduate entrance examination and further my education.

Secondly, I want to take ***(專業) as my life long career therefore, further study in this field

is still necessary. In my opinion, I can broaden my horizon and enrich the knowledge in this

field through the postgraduate education. It is an indispensable step for my self-development

in future as well.

Last but not the least, I have a long-lasting love of the atmosphere of campus. It is full of

passion and youthful spirit. All the things can inspire me to form some fant astic thoughts and

excellent ideas. This kind of atmosphere is very helpful for study.

As for my choice of universities, I should say I love this university very much. When I came

here for the first time I was deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere and the faculty. In

addition, your university enjoys a good reputation in this field. I think as one of the most

famous ******(專業)in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further



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(2) plans in the postgraduate study (研究生期間你的計劃)

版本 1

First, a systematic view of *****is my first and most important goal in the postgraduate study.

second, I would like to take more social activities to promote myself in every possible way. If

possible, I will go on with/continue my study for doctorate degree.

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for my future profession and life

after two/three years study here.

版本 2

I’ve already made a plan for my postgraduate study. If luckilyI got the admission to the …

university, I would make good use of the two/three years. You know, three years is a very short

period for an aspirant pursuer for knowledge, so it’s necessary to make a good plan both for

my academic research and future career. First, I will try my best to grasp the theoretical

knowledge and set the solid foundation for my further study. Second, if time permits, I will do

some part-time jobs relevant to my major and in this way I can put the theory into practice.

Third, I will apply for a doctor’s degree and if impossible I will find a job related to my major

and become an expert in thisfield.

(3) plans after graduation (畢業後有什麼打算)

After my graduation, I want to find a job in … and make good use of the theories I will have

learned from this university. I have the potential to… and ….

I love economic policy research. After graduation, I want to further my study for a Doctor ’s

degree. Then I’ll work for a research institute. What satisfies me most is to make contributions

for Chinese economic growth.

(4) What would you like to be doing within five years after graduation? (在畢業以後 5


Five years is quite a long time, I would like to divide it into two parts for my future plan. In

the three years of postgraduate in this university, if I am admitted, I will spend my efforts on

the knowledge of my major and skills concerned, and try to learn more interpersonal skills at

the same time.

After equipping myself fully, when I will get my master’s degree, I will immerse myself into

the society in the next two years. I will find a job which I love and specialize in so that I can

make a contribution to our nation as well as the society.

三 我的大學

1 最簡大學介紹版



(1) 如果你出身名校

鄉崗 University is a key comprehensive university with a long history. It has a variety of

disciplines, strong academic strength, and distinctive characteristics, which has great influence

both at home and abroad. 鄉崗 University is a member university of Project 211 and Project

985. It has two national projects that has got the support for the development of high -quality


(2) 如果你出身未來的名校

青華 University is located in XX Province. The Economics, Management, and Law are

usually seen as predominant disciplines while Arts, Science and Technology are also

highlights. 青華 university has a prestigious tradition that every of his members would share

and bear in mind: As teachers, we value precision; As students, we advocate diligence; As

human beings, we call for integrity.

(3) 吐血總結可能用到的大學相關核心詞彙

higher education 高等教育

compulsory education 普及教育

secondary education 中等教育

comprehensive university 綜合性大學

university of liberal arts 文科大學

college/university of science and engineering 理工科大學

educational background 教育背景

academic community 學術界

school/academic year 學年

term/semester 學期

to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems independently:


to foster the ability to study on one’s own 培養學生自學能力

to give scope to initiative and creativeness 發揮主動性和創造性

equal stress on integrity and ability 德才兼備

freshman/sophomore/junior/senior 大一/大二/大三/大四學生


graduate 畢業生

postgraduate 研究生

postgraduate school 研究生院

professor 教授 president 校長


curriculum 課程(總)

core curriculum 基礎(核心)課程

major 專業

English major 英語專業學生


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major in sth 以...為專業

timetable 課程表

to attend a lecture 聽講座

to take lessons:(學生)聽課

to skip a class 逃課 to select a course 選課

to revise/review, to go over 複習

required/compulsory course 必修課

elective/optional course 選修課

specialized course 專業課

class discussion 課堂討論

extracurricular activities 課外活動

academic activities 學術活動

social activities 社會活動

on/off campus 校內/校外

to take an exam 參加考試

to fail an exam 掛科make\u0002

up examination 補考

to cheat in an exam 考試作弊

midterm exam 期中考試

final exam 期末考試

question/exam paper 試卷

written/oral exam 筆試/口試

pop quiz 隨堂測試

term paper 期末論文

to plagiarize a term paper 抄襲(剽竊)期末論文

dissertation 畢業論文

diploma/graduation certificate 畢業證書

credit 學分

mark/grade 分數

academic record 學習成績

school report 成績單

scholarship 獎學金

holder of a scholar 獎學金獲得者

board expenses 伙食費

a grant-aided student 領取助學金的學生


(1) about university (你的大學)

My university is …, which is modern and smart. You see, the many age-old buildings here are



actually great libraries and labs. Scientific and technological development is easily smelt in the

air, because she never lags behind the world.

Her everlasting youth and vigor beam through every corner of the campus and the young in

school vivify every piece of concrete and wood here. What makes me happy and strong is that

it perpetuates me with unfading energy. And it is definitely beneficial for me.

The deep impression of my university is her creativity and profundity. As is known to all, she

has a wide and comprehensive range of style. No wonder I can enjoy the colorful life here.

Every school year a diversity of competitions and activities are held and a large number of

students take active part in them. I do appreciate such a style, and in my mind’s eye, she

resembles a tall tree silhouetting with all shapes of branches while stretching far into the blue

sky. Undoubtedly there is a world of difference between university and high school. University

students are supposed to enjoy more freedom to develop themselves. However, it seems more

concerned about the efficient cooperation and teamwork among students as to prepare them

for the competitive society. I believe upon graduation I will be equipped with abundant skills

to meet with more unknown challenges.

After all, in my opinion, university is for more cultivated character, richer knowledge and

greater abilities. That’s why I choose****university. She provides me with what I’ve dreamed


After my graduation, I want to find a job in Siemens and make good use of the theories I will

have learned in this university. I have the potential to be a professional manager and do

program management.

2 我的專業用英語該怎麼介紹(詳見下文高校專業英文介紹索引 Subject Descriptions)


(1) Why do you choose this major? (為什麼選擇這個專業)

話題分解:二 1、2、4 + 三 2

I major in International Trade and have great interest in it. International trade currently

becomes increasingly important in the process of globalization, and those companies desirous

to file themselves into the international market have to confront plent y of issues. Thus,

corresponding emphasis has been put on these issues in this field. But during my college study

and internship period, I have found it is very necessary and urgent for me to grasp firmly and

comprehensively the relevant knowledge of international trade. That is why I chose this major.

Now I am looking forward to enriching my scope in this field in our university.

(2) Why do you change your major? (為什麼換專業)


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話題分解:二 1、2、3、4 + 三 2

I have shifted my major from Mathematics to Quantitative Economics, mainly out of my

interest. During the holidays, I got the chance to work for a company as an intern, when I first

acquainted myself with the knowledge of Quantitative Economics, and I was attracted deeply.

What’s more, what I have learned can be applied very well to this subject. Meanwhile, the

major has gained wide application and concern for the time being. So gradually, I got the idea

that I should try my best to learn Quantitative Economics.

3 學習與實踐,哪個更重要?

(1) 如果你是學霸

I think we should put our studies first if the two can not coexist. During the college days, it is

more important for students to accumulate knowledge than to do social practice. our major

purpose of coming to university is to master systematic knowledge of a particular field and

essential learning methods. On campus, we are provided with rich study materials and good

learning facilities; we can exchange ideas with quick-minded peers; above all, we get valuable

guidance from eminent professors. College education offers us a precious chance to obtain

knowledge and lays a solid foundation for our future work. We should never get it back if we

squandered this opportunity away. Therefore, though it is all right to spare leisure time to do

some social practice, we should never allow it to take priority overschoolwork.

(2) 如果你是踐霸

I think social practice is more important than his studies for an undergraduate. Through social

practice college students can improve their practical abilities. They learn how to bargain,

negotiate, and compromise in finding and doing a part-time job; they learn to lead, motivate,

and compliment their followers when organizing a campus event; they learn how to beat

pressure, compose themselves and give the best performance in the face of a demanding

speech contest. By joining in social activities, college students develop their communication

skills and problem-solving abilities.

4 英語應該是必修課嗎?


I think so. English course is not only an instrument for undergraduates to get qualifications

and degrees. Rather, it benefits their further studies and life. On the one hand, a

comprehensive English education lays a solid language foundation for those who hope to

continue academic pursuit. When doing research and writing papers, you need to frequently

consult articles and books in the orginal, and good English proficiency will great facilitate

your reading process. On the other hand, English classes can enrich students ’ vision and

cultivate their characters. Rich teaching and learning materials will introduce learners to a new

culture and a different way of thinking. Various class activities such as role play and debate

will help to build teamwork spirit among them. In short, English classes can promote students’



academic and spiritual growth.


Could you tell me the importance of English? (您覺得英語重要嗎)

Yes, it’s very important. It plays an indispensable role both in my academic study and future

career. When I look for some learning material on-line for my research paper, the Chinese

information is not enough, and thus the English information works as an essential

compensation. Furthermore, when I command English, work efficiency will be greatly

improved because the time of the translation isshortened.

5 那些年我們一起逃課的兄弟姐妹

(1)Should we compare ourselves with others?

I don’t think so. In life, you will always find someone worse than you. This can make you feel

better than the others, and this feeling can turn into a horrible pride. For example, if you are

second best student of your class, and one day the very best student leaves the school, you will

then be the best one although you are still as good as you were before. In this case, you are

likely to overestimate your abilities and achievements. In addition, comparing oursel ves with

others may cause identity crisis. When we compare ourselves with others, we can be tempted

to copy them, to do the same things, and to act and think like them. The problem with this is

that if we copy someone, we will never know who we really are and what we really want, and

then we will never grow spiritually.

(2) How to deal with peer pressure

First of all, pluck up courage and stand on your ground. It is tough to be the only one in a

group who says “no” to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings

and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner

strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing something

when you know better. Meanwhile, ally yourself with peers sharing similar values or interests.

It’s great to have friends with values similar to yours who will back you up when you don’t

want to do something. If you pal around with peers or classmates with similar interests, if you

choose friends who don’t cut class or smoke cigarettes, then you probably won’t feel much

pressure to do these things either.



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(1) self-introduction (自我介紹)

話題分解:一 1、2 + 二 1、2、3、4 + 三 1、2、3

Good morning, my dear teachers and professors. I am very happy to avail myself of the

opportunity to introduce myself. I am *****, a ***(年齡)-year-old girl/ boy graduated from

****University. My major was ****. Four-year study in **** department gives me ︱

all-round knowledge about*****(專業名稱). In the past two years I have been preparing for

the postgraduate examination.

I am a very hard-working person with great perseverance. And also, I am very kind-hearted

and ready to help others especially when they are in troubles. Owing to my kindness I made a

lot of friends in university. In my spare time I like sports. Among all the events, I like football

best, because we should unite as one to achieve success. In my opinion, it is the best slogan of

team work spirit.

I also took some part-time jobs as a family tutor. One of my students got his mark improved

through our joint effort and I was very proud of that.

This is all for my self-introduction. If I am lucky enough to get the chance, I will devote all

myself to my major and focus all of my energy on it.

Ⅲ 附錄

一. 複試常用話語





(1). Sorry, I did not catch/follow your meaning. Pardon, please.

(2). Let me put it another way. You mean that …

(3). Well, let me see. I am not the expert on this, but I have heard quite a lot of such discussion

from TV program and other people’s talking, so I think …

(4). That’s not exactly what I mean / You know, that’s what I think.

(5). I’ m not really sure, I’ll have to check.




一個考生,明顯感到所有的考官都急切的想離開,你可以說 “I have nothing else to ask”;

否則,一般不適合說“I don’t have any question.”, 可以問考官一兩個你關心的問題, 比


(11). which is the best course in our school? (什麼課程是我們院最好的課程)

(12). Does our school provide some guidance of job to XXX?

最後可以說:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (謝謝


二. 表原因常用句型

1 I have good reason to believe that...

2 There are three reasons for this.

3 The reason for this is that...

4 A number of factors are accountable for my choice.

5 The answer to this problem involves many factors.

6 Part of the explanations for this isthat...

7 Perhaps the primary reason/factor is that...

8 But the fundamental cause isthat...

9 The main reasons why I am not in favor of...are as follows.



2. 不要用漢語的速度說英語,說話時要和老師有眼神交流,但不要直直盯著。

3. 遇到不好回答的問題, 不要慌張,仍要面帶微笑解釋。

4. 如果面試老師讓你提問題,一個很好的選擇是

I wonder if I am on your mind and whether you are satisfied with my performance.


