

If you think about me, just look for me. Don't worry if I'm sleeping, in a bad mood, eating or disturbing. If you need me, I'll be there.



I like you not because of you, but because of you. I find you are good at everything. So, you don't have to apologize to me for being bad.



Life is like a train. When you get into a station, some people have to get on, while others have to get off. Saying goodbye in time is also the greatest respect for each other.


你錯過的人和事 ,別人才有機會遇見 ,人人都會錯過, 人人都曾經錯過 ,但真正屬於你的, 永遠不會錯過。

The people and things you miss, the other people have the chance to meet, everyone will miss, everyone has missed, but what really belongs to you will never be missed.



"When you are apart, you must look twice more, because it is false to keep in touch with each other."



Orange is not the only fruit. Love you is not the only way. But I just like you.



Even if you lie on the sofa for three days and don't open the curtains, because you can't decide which pair of socks to wear and cry, I won't stop loving you. It's no big deal. There are 7.5 billion people on this earth, and there are 7.5 billion kinds of normality.



It doesn't matter who will be the hero, as long as everyone can come back with a smile in the end.



"Your image file stored in my heart is old. I need to update it to get your latest picture."