
‘Very, Very Scary’: Officials Dumbfounded as Florida Beaches Reopen, 3 Days After Death Spike


Emily Shugerman 艾米丽Shugerman

Sam Greenwood/Getty


The state of Florida passed two milestones in the coronavirus pandemic this week: its deadliest day yet, and the reopening of several public beaches.


Hundreds of people flocked to the newly opened beaches in northern Florida on Friday evening, just two weeks into Gov. Ron DeSantis’ monthlong stay-at-home order began. The state is the first of several to start slowly reopening public spaces even as the novel coronavirus continues to spread.

周五晚上,数百人涌向佛罗里达州北部新开放的海滩,此时距离该州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)为期一个月的“宅在家里”命令开始只有两周时间。在新型冠状病毒继续传播的同时,该州是第一个开始缓慢开放公共场所的州。

DeSantis announced Saturday that K-12 schools would remain closed for the rest of the school year, saying he did not want to force families who were uncomfortable with the idea to return to classrooms. Just a day earlier, however, he greenlit the reopening of some beaches, arguing that Floridians needed fresh air.


“I think people, they’re gonna be responsible, they’re gonna be safe, but they want to get back into a routine,” he said Saturday.


Duval and St. Johns Counties, as well as the city of Mexico Beach, opened their beaches Friday for “essential activities” like running, fishing and surfing. The beaches will run on limited hours in the morning and evening, and activities like sunbathing will still be prohibited. Police were seen manning the beaches on Friday and Saturday, asking residents to maintain social distancing and avoid large gatherings.


“This can be the beginning of a pathway back to normal life,” Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry said in a video statement. “But please respect and follow the limitations.”


He added: “The data for Duval County is encouraging. For now, we need to stay the course and continue taking precautions.”


Despite the mayor’s warnings, hundreds of people flocked to the beaches in Duval County Friday, some engaging group sports like volleyball or spikeball. Photos of the scene drew outcry on social media, spawning the hashtag #FloridaMorons, as well as disdain from officials elsewhere in the state.


“When a person doesn’t believe in science, they do dumb things,” Lake Worth Beach City Commissioner Omari Hardy tweeted. “When a person in power doesn't believe in science, they do dumb things that hurt the public. This move is so dumb that I had to make sure it wasn’t fake news. You guys, it isn’t fake news.”

“当一个人不相信科学的时候,他们就会做出愚蠢的事情,”沃斯湖海滩市专员奥马里·哈迪(Omari Hardy)在推特上写道。“当当权者不相信科学时,他们就会做出伤害公众的蠢事。这个举动太蠢了,我不得不确认这不是假新闻。你们这些家伙,这不是假新闻。”

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who contracted coronavirus himself, called the reopening in Jacksonville “very concerning,” adding that Florida was “not out of the woods yet” and the consequences of reopening too soon were “very, very scary.”

迈阿密市长弗朗西斯·苏亚雷斯(Francis Suarez)自己也感染了冠状病毒,他称杰克逊维尔的重新开放“非常令人担忧”,并补充说,佛罗里达州“还没有走出困境”,过早地重新开放的后果“非常、非常可怕”。

“When they talk about the curve flattening and the curve descending, we still have not seen a major descension, what we’re seeing is more of a plateau in the state of Florida,” he told MSNBC on Saturday. “And I’m concerned that if we’re not careful that we could see another flare up.”


That state's deadliest day yet occurred Tuesday, when a reported 72 people died of the virus in 24 hours. The number of confirmed cases in the state was still increasing on Saturday, bringing the totals to 25,269 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 740 deaths. Nearly 3,500 people in the state have been hospitalized due to the virus, according to the Florida Department of Health.

周二是该州死亡人数最多的一天,据报道有72人在24小时内死于该病毒。周六,该州确诊病例数量仍在增加,使确诊病例总数达到25269例,其中19例为vid19, 740例死亡。据佛罗里达州卫生部称,该州已有近3500人因感染该病毒而入院治疗。

Along with announcing school closures Saturday, DeSantis said that a task force would also begin meeting daily next week to work on reopening businesses. He added that the state was considering opening four testing labs and was working with commercial labs to produce test results in 24 hours or less.


Florida was not the only state moving toward a gradual reopening. In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order this week allowing state parks to reopen Monday, though visitors would still be required to wear masks and stay six feet away from anyone not in their household. Abbott also said restrictions on elective medical procedures would be loosened Wednesday and retail stores could open for curbside pickup on Friday.

佛罗里达州并不是唯一一个逐步重新开放的州。在德克萨斯州,州长格雷格?阿博特(Greg Abbott)本周发布了一项行政命令,允许州立公园在周一重新开放,不过游客仍需戴上口罩,并与家中以外的任何人保持六英尺的距离。雅培还表示,周三将放松对选择性医疗程序的限制,零售商店将于周五开放,在路边取货。

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves also ordered state parks and beaches to reopen from next week, but some local authorities insisted the order allowed them to open immediately. Officials in Harrison County were spotted removing “beach closed” signs from the boardwalk as early as Friday afternoon.

密西西比州州长里夫斯(Tate Reeves)也下令从下周开始重新开放州立公园和海滩,但一些地方政府坚持要求立即开放。早在周五下午,就有人看到哈里森县的官员将木板路上的“海滩关闭”标志移走。

In Alabama, business owners were reportedly confused by a set of suggestions released by the Small Business Emergency Task Force this week, suggesting that everything from jewelry stores to waxing salons could reopen “immediately.” The suggestions have yet to be adopted. Gov. Kay Ivery plans to announce which restrictions will be lifted by April 28.

在阿拉巴马州,据报道,小企业紧急工作组本周发布的一系列建议让企业主们感到困惑,这些建议建议从珠宝店到脱蜡沙龙的一切都可以“立即”重新开业。“这些建议尚未得到采纳。州长凯伊韦利(Kay Ivery)计划在4月28日前宣布取消哪些限制。

President Donald Trump has also been pushing for states to reopen, amid fears of a possible economic depression. The president initially suggested the country could be open for business by Easter, but walked that back after seeing apocalyptic scenes out of hospitals in New York City.


The White House issued a three-step guide for governors to use when deciding to reopen, titled “Opening Up America Again.” The plan suggests lifting lockdown orders as soon as a 14-day downward trajectory in cases of COVID-like symptoms and positive tests can be documented.


“America wants to be open and Americans want to be open,” Trump said in a press conference Thursday. “A national shutdown is not a sustainable long-term solution.”
