
Canada is a country which has two official languages: English and French. Every Canadian citizen are given lessons on both languages throughout their educational years. The instructions at school in all provinces are taught primarily in English except for the province of Quebec, where French is the main language of instruction.

English lessons in Quebec begin in grade 3 (7-8 years old) and will continue until the end of high school (16-17 years old). Due to the wide variety of people in Quebec, students are placed in different levels: normal, advanced or mother tongue.

English lessons are strictly given in English, the use of French is permitted between students, but all instructions are given in English. The classes emphasize 3 components: oral presentations, reading and writing.

Oral presentations are often given to students. Practical usage of the language is the main focus, reading and writing comes in close second. The usual form is for students to team up with either 1 or 2 students, prepare and then perform their presentation for roughly 5 minutes in front of the classroom. Students are given much leeway on how they can work on this assignment, a topic is given and this is usually sufficient instructions.

The practice of reading is usually performed by having students being handed short stories; books are usually given as reading assignments. An allotted time is provided for each student to read through the text. This will usually be followed-up by a questionnaire to be filled on what was just been read. Class discussion may entail to further the comprehension.

Writing assignments are periodically assigned. A choice of 2 to 3 topics are offered, students must then write a short essay which attempts to cover the main points. The student usually has little to no source material to gather information from; hence must write out of his own personal experience and knowledge. Importance is given on the structure of writing. Much time is given for the student to be able to express themselves properly to any given audience, hence a common format is adopted at an early age and repeated throughout their educational years. This format typically revolves around having a strong thesis; which concerns itself with having cohesive structure throughout the text.

Grammar, though not diminished in importance, is not given as much emphasis in the educational model. All students are given general rules of grammar, though the finer details of English remain obscured unless pursued at the University level. Sentence structure is not taught specifically through a lesson, but will constantly resurface overtly in a class. The teacher will often follow the correction of a written assignment on a 1to1 basis with the student to fine tune where improvement can be laid. The proper spelling of vocabulary is what teachers often place much focus upon.

To finish this brief text, there are 2 main differences which I can see between the model being taught in Canada (Quebec) and in China. The first being on not having as much emphasis on learning the “why” of the language, by this I mean, the Canadian model concerns itself more with the language being practical and useful for daily usage rather than the reason behind it. In my humble opinion, the “why” should be more at the forefront in the Canadian model, but shouldn't be the concern that either makes a student pass or fail in learning English as a language. The second point I would like to highlight is that memorization/learned by heart is not a method that is used in Canada; students are allowed to make mistakes and not be perfect it the use of the language. A student can afford himself to not be at the top of a class and still pass a course. This comes down to having a student that is simply able to express himself to the best of his own merit. At the end of the day, learning anything in life should be something that we are not forced to do, but be something that we enjoy and are proud of accomplishing, learning a new language should be taught way.

