


The forward has a history of using burner Twitter accounts and one slip up in 2017 revealed his online alter ego.


Three years ago, Durant forgot to click that all-important "switch accounts" button and was caught defending himself on his verified account. Rookie mistake KD.


NBA fans roasted Durant over the mistake, and Joel Embiid even joined in to tease Durant over #BurnerTwitter.


杜蘭特在自己參與制作的一檔談話節目《The Boardroom》中,談到了自己為何要開社交媒體的小號,是因為自己想要過上普通人的生活。


"I try to live a normal life out in the public …"


“I wasn’t used to that amount of attention, you know, from playing basketball. I wanted a place where I can talk to my friends without anybody just butting in my conversations or mixing my words or taking everything out of context because I enjoyed that place.


I had an Instagram account that I just use for my friends and family. Like, it’s a cool place for me just to be me instead of worrying about Bleacher Report or Barstool mixing up anything I want to say.”

我有一個 Instagram 賬號,只給我的朋友和家人看。就像,這是一個很酷的地方,讓我做我自己,而不用擔心媒體把我想說的話胡亂解讀。”



Thanks to All The Smoke's latest episode, we now know he still has that burner and is ready and armed with Twitter fingers whenever he sees fit.

多虧了All The Smoke的最新一集,我們現在知道他還留著那個小號,隨時準備好了,只要他覺得合適,他就會用Twitter的手指武裝自己。

"I'm still gonna do the burner thing. I'm still gonna do that," Durant said.


"Certain people, I'mma come back on my regular account. But if I'm just trying to do my thing, I want to dip in, you know what I mean? I got the burner ... I just slipped up that one time."


"I like Twitter. I mean… if I see something on there that I want to respond to, I'm just going to do it. It's not like a predetermined thing. I just kind of see it, scroll on it," he said.


The 10-time All-Star said he likes challenging people online. "I like the platform and any chance I get to give somebody a piece of my brain, I want to do it. Especially a former teammate who's talking shit, or a fan."


He adds that he feels he says what a lot of players want to say, "Just giving my perspective on how I feel about things because I feel like a lot of players, deep down, they feel how I feel, but I just say it."
