


刪除:把多餘的詞用斜線( \ )劃掉。


注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

Before visiting a city, I will look for places to visit and then make a choose according to which place I will absolutely see.

Recently, I paid a visit for Leipzig, a beautiful German city. First, I visited Museum of Fine Arts. Sometimes visiting art museums can be a little bit boring and I really enjoyed my visit there. I loved learning about different artists from across the ages.

The followed day I visited St Nicholas Church, that was a church with a very interesting past. I had been heard a lot about the history, so it was amazing to finally visit them in person. Inside, the walls were beautifully decorated with painting.

Before visiting a city, I will look for places to visit and then make a choose(此處為動賓結構,make是動詞後接名詞,而choose是動詞,需要改成名詞choice) according to which place I will absolut see.(absolute是形容詞不能裝飾動詞see,需要將absolute改成副詞absolutely)

Recently, I paid a visit for(pay a visit to 是固定短語意為參觀...因此for要改為to) Leipzig, a beautiful German city. First, I visited Museum of Fine Arts(國外的景點前通常要加定冠詞the). Sometimes visiting art museums can be a little bit boring and(這裡是表示轉折關係而不是並列,應將and 改成but) I really enjoyed my visit there. I loved learning about different artists from across the ages.

The followed day(固定表達第二天用 the following day) I visited St Nicholas Church, that(此處為非限定性定語從句,不能用that引導,根據先行詞church應改為which) was a church with a very interesting past. I had been heard(根據上下文,此處表達我過去聽說,而不是我過去被聽說,所以been要去掉。) a lot about the history, so it was amazing to finally visit them(這裡這個代詞應是指代前文的church,表單數,church是無生命的事物,them應該為 it) in person. Inside, the walls were beautifully decorated with painting(根據句意,裝飾這些牆的不可能只有一幅畫,所以painting要該為複數paintings).