Phrases for Softening the Criticism 讓批評變得緩和的措辭

Phrases for Softening Criticism.m4a8:18


Do you often criticize others? Do you feel uncomfortable to say some harsh words out when you really needed to? It’s time for you to learn some phrases for softening your criticism. Let’s check it out.---你經常批評別人嗎?當你真正需要說一些刺耳的話時,你是否會感到不舒服?是時候學習一些短語來緩和你的批評了。我們快來看看吧。

1/ I have to say.../ I’m bound to say...---我不得不說。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

I have to say your performance is quite disappointed.---我不得不說,你的表現很令人失望。

2/ With respect.../ With all due respect...---恕我直言,冒昧的說。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

With all due respect, I think your request is quite unreasonable.---恕我直言,我認為你的要求很不合理。

3/ To say the least.../ To put it mildly...---說得婉轉些,至少可以說。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

To put it mildly I had a rather uncomfortable flight.---說的客氣點,我這次飛行相當不舒服。

4/ ...Shall we say...---可以這樣說。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

The training is, shall we say, quite boring.---我們可以這樣說,這次訓練很無聊。

5/ Don’t get me wrong...---別誤會我的意思。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

Don’t get me wrong, I really like her as a friend, but I don’t think she’s the right person for you.---別誤會我的意思,作為朋友我很喜歡她,但我覺得她並不適合你。

6/ How shall I put it...---我應該怎麼說呢。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

How shall I put it, I think she’s a little difficult to get along with.---我該怎麼說呢,我覺得她有點難相處。

7/ Without wishing to hurt your feelings...---我不想傷害你的感情。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

Without wishing to hurt your feelings, I think you should lose some weight.---我不想傷害你的感情,但我覺得你應該減肥了。

8/ To be fair...---說句公道話,公平的說。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

His performance for this month is very poor, but to be fair, he’s a nice employee.---他這個月的表現很差,但公平的說,他是個好員工。

9/ No offence.../ No offense...---無意冒犯。。。

For example:---舉例說明:

I'm moving out and no offence to you but I just don't like the atmosphere.---我要搬出去了,無意冒犯你,但我就是不喜歡這裡的氛圍。

Now you know 9 ways of softening the criticism. They could help make the criticism more gentle and less direct. However, words hurt. So criticism is not appreciate if it’s not necessary.---現在你知道了9種軟化批評的方法。它們可以使批評變得更溫和而不那麼直接。然而,言語傷人。所以如果不是必要,還是儘量少批評一些吧。