

RSGK franchise training finishedsuccessfully with the Nanjing campus.


RSGK Education Group headquarters well preparedthe full operation training, including guidance and experience sharing to RSGKNanjing campus.

本次培訓,總部就市場運營,銷售話術與流程、以及如何行之有效的組織策劃校區活動等內容,向南京校區的加盟夥伴進行了全面且細緻的分享。This comprehensive training covered the initial campus renovation, sales, recruitment, staffing, budgeting, market operations, events, and activities, etc.

我們的建校培訓課程不只是一種單純的知識複製與輸出,而是結合了大量的案例與效果,使加盟夥伴學以致用,將經驗與知識有機結合,快速的運用到日常工作之中。The training is not only a simple duplication ofthe knowledge but also a combination of many case experiences. Our businesspartners can apply this knowledge, and combine with experience to quickly adaptto their daily work.

澳睿跑教育集團課程研發中心負責人吳總,向南京校區的加盟夥伴就澳睿跑的課程體系,以及教練員團隊管理等方面進行了細緻的講解。Ms. Wu, the head of the RSGK R&D departmentcenter, gave a detailed explanation of the RSGK curriculum system coachmanagement to the Nanjing business partners.

澳睿跑教育集團運營管理中心區域運營總監張老師,從電話邀約流程、銷售技巧流程、銷售流程中所需要把控的細節,三大方面為南京方面的加盟夥伴進行了深入詳細的解答,為加盟校下一步的工作開展整理出了一套完整的思路。Ms. Zhang, director of regional operationsof RSGK Education Group, gave a veryin-depth training on the phone sales, sales skills, control process insales. She also answered many questionsand help the client understand the logic behind the operation.


The lead sales manager of RSGK OlympicCenter campus, Mr. Wang, gave valuabletraining on parents' communications, sales skills, phone sales, renewals,referrals, etc. Nanjing campus.

此外,澳睿跑教育集團數據管理中心負責人楊經理,還向南京方面的加盟夥伴就線上數據統籌、有效轉換、線上店鋪裝修、如何合理投放廣告方面進行了細緻的分享。澳睿跑北京朝陽公園校區的苗校長還就校區的管理工作向南京的加盟夥伴傾囊相授,澳睿跑教育集團新媒體管理中心負責人劉經理針對友商所提出關於宣傳方面的問題進行答疑解惑,澳睿跑市場部的李老師就市場活動策劃、組織、執行方面的經驗對加盟夥伴進行了分享。Also, Mr. Yang, the manager of the RSGKdata management center, delivered a full sharing of the online dataco-ordination, effective conversion, online shop decoration, and how toadvertise the partners properly. Ms. Miao, the headmaster of RSGK Chaoyang ParkCampus, also gave a lecture to the on the center management. Ms. Liu, the headof the RSGK New Media department, answered many questions about theadvertisement. Mr. Li, the RSGK marketing department, shared the experience onorganization and execution of events and activities.


In addition to letting Nanjing's businesspartners understand the campus operation management mode more intuitively andquickly, the RSGK also specially arranged practical training at the BeijingRSGK center.


Nanjing's business partners have given high recognition to the RSGK center practical training. RSGK Nanjing has expressed that they would continually learn about the operation philosophy of Beijing RSGK centers in the future, and to provide the top international physical education to the children in Nanjing.

相信本次建校培訓可以為南京校區的加盟夥伴們解決校區日常運營中所遇到的問題,幫助友商們梳理好日常經營中的各項工作,不負信任,更負責任!We hope that this training can solve theproblems encountered before the center opening and also help them to preparefor the soft-opening period thoroughly.


RSGK Education Group has always been putting thecustomer first. We present the best service to our clients and businesspartners. In the future, the headquarters of RSGK Education Group will providecontinuing cooperation for Nanjing and all RSGK business partners. RSGK servesto help, support, and solve the difficulties for all our business partners, andwork together to build a leading brand in the international children's sportsindustry!


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RSGK Nanjing Campus

Address: 3F, Tongshang Wanshang City, No.1351 Shuanglong Avenue, Jiangning District, NanjingTel: 025-85092206