



1. consist of由……組成,由……構成(不用於被動語態和進行時態)▲The buffet consists of several different Indian dishes.這頓自助餐由幾種不同的印度菜組成。


consist in(=lie in)在於▲Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own. 幸福不在於你擁有多少財產。

consist with 與……一致▲Theory should consist with practice. 理論應該聯繫實際。


由……組成:be composed of (用被動語態

be made up of (用被動語態

consist of (用主動語態

2. would rather寧願


would rather(not)do寧願(不)做▲I’d rather have a quiet night in front of the TV. 我寧願在電視機前安安靜靜地過一個晚上。

would rather do...than do...(=would do...rather than do...)寧願做……而不願做……▲She’d rather ride a bike than ride on a bus. 她寧願騎自行車也不願意擠公交車。

注意:than後可跟名詞、代詞、副詞、介詞短語或不帶to的動詞不定式,than的前後成分處於對等地位,而且形式要一致。would rather後接從句時,從句要用虛擬語氣:從句謂語動詞用一般過去時表示與現在或將來的事實相反;用過去完成時表示與過去的事實相反。

Id rather I were in your position now. 我寧願現在站在你的位置上。


d rather you met her at the airport tomorrow. 我寧願你明天到機場接她。

Id rather you had been there yesterday. 我真希望你昨天在那兒。

3. more or less幾乎,差不多;大致,大約,或多或少

▲They’ve settled here more or less permanently. 他們差不多永久定居在這兒了。▲He more or less thanked me for helping him. 他大致感謝我幫了他。

▲I’ve more or less finished the book. 我差不多讀完這本書了。

▲She could earn $200 a day, more or less. 她一天大約能掙200美元。


no more than (=only)僅僅,只不過

not more than 不多於,不超過

once more(=once again) 再一次

never more(=

no more)不再

the more...the more... 越……越……

more than 超過,多於;非常;不僅僅是

4. walk off a meal用散步來消化一頓飯▲The doctor suggested that he should walk off a meal. 醫生建議他應該用散步來消化一頓飯。


walk off (尤指粗魯或憤怒地)離開(某人)▲Don’t just walk off when I’m talking to you! 我跟你說話時你不要轉身就走!

walk sb. off (=walk off sth.)用散步來消除(病痛或不快)▲Let’s go out—maybe I can walk this headache off.我們出去吧——也許我走走頭就不痛了。


5. tasty ADJ:美味可口的▲The dish is very tasty.這道菜很可口。


taste N&V:

(1) N: 味道,滋味;鑑賞力,品味;少量,一小口▲She has a good taste in classical music.她對古典音樂有良好的鑑賞力。▲Have a taste of this soup and see if it needs more salt.嘗一嘗這湯,看看是否還需要加鹽。

(2) V: 嚐起來有……味道;嘗,品嚐;體驗到……的滋味▲The meal you cooked tastes delicious.你做的飯嚐起來很美味。(這裡的taste是系動詞)▲You’d better taste the soup to see if I put enough salt in it.你最好嘗一下那湯,看看我是否放夠了鹽。


have a taste of 品嚐

meet / suit the taste of 符合……的口味

have / develop a taste for 愛好

to one’s taste 合某人的口味

6. relaxing ADJ: 使人放鬆的,使人懶洋洋的▲I find stamp-collecting relaxing and it takes my mind off my work. 我覺得集郵使人放鬆,它使我的注意力從工作中轉移出來。▲We spent a relaxing afternoon in the garden. 我們在花園裡懶洋洋地度過了一個下午。

注意:relaxing多用於指“(事物)使人放鬆的”;relaxed多用於指“(人)感到放鬆的”。Gail was lying in the sun looking very relaxed and happy. 蓋爾躺在陽光下,看上去十分輕鬆愉快。

7. there is a need for sb. to do sth. 是固定句型,意為“某人需要做某事”,其否定形式是:there is no need for sb. to do sth.▲There is an urgent need for the government to take measures.政府急需採取措施。▲There is no need for you to come so early. 你不需要來這麼早。


There is no doubt that... 毫無疑問……

There is no point / sense in doing sth. 做某事無意義。

There is no possibility that... 沒有可能……

(It is) no wonder that... 難怪……,……不足為奇

▲There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication.毫無疑問,收音機和電視機是交流的重要方式。(means是單複數同型)▲There is no possibility that we will finish the project ahead of time. 我們提前完成工程是沒有可能的。

8. mark V: 標誌(著);做標記於▲The great event marked the victory of the anti-Japanese war. 這一偉大事件標誌著抗日戰爭的勝利。▲Mark the place on the map. 在地圖上標出那個地方。


mark...down 記下

mark out 畫線標出;選定

mark...with... 用……給……做記號

mark...on... 在……上做……記號

be marked with 標註/記上,標有

a mark of ……的記號/標號

9. trade N&V

(1) UN: 貿易;買賣;交易▲There has been a marked increase in trade between East and West. 東西方貿易已經有了明顯的增長。

(2) V: 做買賣;進行交易▲(trade in 做……生意)The company trades in silk, tea and other items. 該公司從事絲綢、茶葉和其他貨品的貿易。▲(trade with 與……做生意)▲(trade...for... 用……交換……)


We are trading with the company in computers. 我們正在與這家公司做電腦生意。

10. transport V&N

(1) V: 運送,運輸(貨物、人) (

transport sb. / sth. to 把某人/某物運送到)▲The statue was transported to London. 雕像被運到了倫敦。

(2) UN: 運輸,運送;交通工具,運輸途徑▲Canals were used for the transport of goods. 運河被用來運輸貨物。▲Improved railway transport is essential for business. 改進的鐵路運輸對商業發展極其重要。

注意:transport用作名詞和動詞時重音位置不同:作名詞時,重音在前;作動詞時,重音在後。類似的詞還有record, import, export等。transport意為“交通”時,指交通工具;而traffic意為“交通”時,指行人和車輛,側重於數量,所以表達“交通擁擠”時,我們可以說:The traffic is crowded.

11. naturally ADV:自然地▲Naturally, as a beginner I’m not a good driver yet. 我初學開車,當然開不好了。▲Naturally, she wanted her child to grow up fit and strong. 自然地,她希望自己的孩子健康茁壯地成長。

注意:naturally常用於做插入語。插入語是一種獨立成分,通常與句中其他成分沒有語法上的關係。其實,插入語大都是對一句話進行附加說明或解釋,通常是一個詞、一個短語或一個句子,常置於句首、句中或句末,一般用逗號或破折號與句子隔開。常用作插入語的副詞或副詞短語還有:indeed(的確),surely(無疑),frankly(坦率地說),obviously(顯然),luckily / happily for sb.(算某人幸運),fortunately(幸好),strangely(奇怪地),briefly(簡短地),hopefully(有希望地),thankfully(欣慰地),normally(通常)等。

12. abolish VT: 廢除;廢止;革除(法律、制度、習俗等)▲These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible.這些迷信做法應儘早廢除。







This tax should be abolished. 這種稅應該取消。



I’m afraid I’ll have to cancel our meeting tomorrow.恐怕我得取消我們明天的會議。

13. take over承襲;接管;接手;接任▲His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over. 他投資這家公司的唯一原因是想接管它。


hand over 移交,讓給

turn over 移交,轉交;翻轉

knock over 撞翻

look over 仔細看,仔細檢查

think over 深思熟慮

get over 克服;(從病中)恢復過來

go over 複習,仔細地再讀一遍

over and over 再三,一遍又一遍

gain / have an advantage over 勝過,優於

watch over 監視,看守;照顧,照應



